What a coincidence. I just ordered a few carb. kits from bantasaw. The 038 Mag is being a hard starter and sluggish runner, and I've already replaced the hose, boot, seals, gasket. Figured the current problem must be the carb. Once I get it started, it idles fine and doesn't alter RPMs when you move it around. Sometimes when I goose it after is has set idling for awhile, it would act like it was loaded up.
Anywho, I will let you know what the deal on the Bing kit is. Prices were in Canadian, I ordered but I didn't find out the final US cost or the shipping. My bank statement better not show a $100 withdrawal or I will be peeved.
Chris B.
Also, with regards to the tranny oil you were talking about. You said that you had trouble with shifting your Toyota, especially in winter. I know what you are talking about. Sometimes gear oil is like molasses till it warms up. Friend's 5-speed Ford diesel was nearly impossible to shift cold. Changed it over to Dextron and it was/is perfect.
Sometimes my old Farmall won't go into gear cold and it'll also pop out easy. Work it for awhile, snow starts melting off the tranny and it's A-OK. I'd put Dextron in, but the seals are twice my age, two of them anyway.