Time to air grievences!

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You're ribs are gonna hurt for a while. Just a fact.

You have three lobsters waiting to be eaten and I have 2 dogs mind controlling me to be fed......AGAIN.

If anyone has grievances to air......it would be your mini-van.

"I signed up for this job to carry groceries.....maybe kids......not a fricken half of a cut up tree....on a weekly basis.....saws and oils leaking on me......It's not even that kind of party."

You ever see Christine? Yeah....I'd be sleeping with one eye open too.
Best one LOL
I hate it when I can't fix spellung mizteaks!!

GRIEVANCES...sorta fixed... hehehe
My Mustang needs a rebuild and I know santa did NOT bring me a gaskets set for it.....Wait up for the bastard and crack his knee caps!

Out of Coors Light.....How is this bad?? :laugh:

MIL BF is visiting for the holidays and wife made me promise to not knock his teeth out. Hmmm......Any other options? Broken knee cap? Dislocated shouder? Use your head. ;)

We spend billions housing felons, but what do we do for veterans? Amen, Brother!!

They take a third of my paycheck to give handouts to people that DONT WANT to WORK, they just want the hand outs. Amen, Brother X2!

Ok I'm done. Have a Merry Christmas fellas. Cheers! :cheers:

Mother-In-Law is here for Christmas.
You poor bastard! We all feel for you. :laughing:
My wife told me I hada sell a saw. That's really a bag idea. So instead I started trading it to my neighbor cause I can still use it if I need it. she'll never now that. Problem is I found 3 more saws to buy but she emptied the check book when I wasn't looking and the saw I wanna buy is a 3120 husky is to make up for my mo longer 044. :(:(:mad: But the guy will hold it for me if I stop Friday and am man enoughto run it for 4 hours non stop. Sucks for him I didn't tell him I have a ms460 and a husky 394. :muscle::lol:And I'm a farm boy at age 35:chainsaw::chainsaw::givebeer::givebeer::givebeer::givebeer:
I hate it when I can't fix spellung mizteaks!!
Well... I could start in about the EPA, government overreach, elitist stoves, the checking account my wife has drained over the last few weeks, the price increase of beer during the holiday season, my teenage daughter's boyfriend, the in-laws, and a bunch more stuff... but...
It's Christmas Eve day... my son and his wife are coming... and they're bringing my month-old grandson to visit... life just seems to good for complaining today.
75% of my friends in town drink some sort of Budwiser beer. If I am going to stop for a beer at least have something that doesn't taste like skunk piss.
I'm on vacation all this week also maybe I should get a box of beer (Not Bud see above) and road trip over to Spideys!!
Skunk piss??
We've got plenty of blankets and food (enough to feed a small army)... more Budweiser than you can puke on, and my son will likely bring a box-o-Coors Light.
Just picked up a another bottle on the way home last night.
See ya' when ya' get here.
Heck, my wife will likely run into town to buy you a Christmas present... she'd be in tears if'n someone was here and didn't have something to open.
New roof late, late fall. Good crew, good clean up. Daughter is getting 10 Cents/Nail and she has well over 400. Do the math.

Mother-In-Law is here for Christmas.[/QUOTE]
need a magnet,, out of a famers hammermill for the nails....and MIL there,, sorry for you.. unless you are lucky enough to have a nice one...
Other than the weather I really have nothing to be bitter about. I have had a good year with work other than the set back of a heart attack this summer. My family will be here just Christmas day and that will be nice. Merry Christmas all!
4. The Council Tools 6lb maul........... My diatribe on that comes down to this. It wasn't right to crap talk it until I had one in my hands and put it through my own rigors. I proved to myself what I already knew what would happen. I don't think I could ever have one or any wood handle splitting tool last more than a month.

They do make one with a non-wooden handle

hsell - my V-10 is a Dodge gas engine, extended cab, short bed with a 1 ton suspension. It's the second one I've owned. They pull anything you hook them to and pass everything except a gas station. Dodge quit making them several years ago. I bought it to pull a five horse slant load trailer with front quarters. It's the only truck I found with enough power to pull a loaded 5-horse trailer up hill, in the mountains 55 mph and still have power to accelerate when needed.
hsell - my V-10 is a Dodge gas engine, extended cab, short bed with a 1 ton suspension. It's the second one I've owned. They pull anything you hook them to and pass everything except a gas station. Dodge quit making them several years ago. I bought it to pull a five horse slant load trailer with front quarters. It's the only truck I found with enough power to pull a loaded 5-horse trailer up hill, in the mountains 55 mph and still have power to accelerate when needed.
I had one in a 550 service truck of the Ford Variety when the 6.0s were Fords excuse for a factory Diesel.

( I now know the 6.0s can be fixed.)

Too speed was 83mph, and was in and out of the shop regularly due to being a Ford, I Guess.

We've had very good luck with the manual Transmission 5.9 Cummins' for going on 20 years.

1989-2005 year models.

Haven't tried the 6.7s because the 5.9s we have are still running Strong.

1 - Almost enough wood put up for the winter.... Almost
2 - It's muddy. Like, really muddy.
3 - I'm working today, at least till 3.

OK, enough for the grievances, I have a loving wife, 3 healthy daughters, and a warm dry place to call home. Merry Christmas everyone!

Now to go home and pound a 6 pack so I have my beer muscles on for the feats of strength. :muscle:
Maybe you can find a syn handle to fix that CT busted wooden handle...

Okay, what's the diff about hitting the wood with the pointy part, not the handle?

#1 son had problem with that his very first day, then never no mo. :chop:
He said he isn't fond of the wooden handles anyway, he likes something like the fiskars synthetic, which combines incredible strength and no shock. I have found the same thing, I have beaucoup cords under my belt with the fiskars, and maybe 1/3rd cord with the husky/wetterlings and the handle is already ablating below the head, and I am a good aim with axes. I expected some wear, but not this much this fast. I have retired it for the most part. I don't dislike it, just..fiskars works a lot better for me. I am planning on adding some sort of under the head wood guard to the husky axe before I use it again. Blasting through stringy wood, you get wear right there, it is unavoidable.

I would imagine as much wood as he splits, he can aim OK. The CT axe just had bad quality control and shipped with a not so great wooden handle, and it broke early on using it. And when you get a brand new axe, takes ya a few swings to get the range, they all swing a tad different, at least to me anyway.
Grievances, sure have. Where's the shop steward?

Had to work Sunday in order to get today off. Gonna be the same for NYE.

The local package stores are all sold out of Pennsy Dutch Eggnog. That's a disgrace. Really.

Found yesterday that our old thermoelectric cooler decided to retire without notice.

White Christmas, bah. More like a wet Christmas.

On the positive side.... gas is cheaper than I can remember in a long, long time. :)
I would imagine as much wood as he splits, he can aim OK. The CT axe just had bad quality control and shipped with a not so great wooden handle, and it broke early on using it.

Amen Zogger.

I can't believe this attempt at an argument is still dragging on.

Anyone who claims to NEVER have over strikes is flat out lying, period.

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