Tips for getting in and out of these trims faster.....

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I'll go out on a limb if I need too ...

####, that he adheres too? I'd like to see him post anything that shows he has any capability to do what he quacks about on here. Fool hasn't shown a video being more than arms length from the trunk of any tree yet. All these nice toys and couldn't walk a limb if a bear was coming up the tree.
and NO, that crotch crawling doesn't count

From July of 2009 near Raccoon State Park:



Now where are your photos / videos?
Come out and play the doug ...

Yeah, Now if only he would post a Vid/Pictures of him doing work showing how he adheres to the long posts of advice he gives out on here!!! I would like to see him in a tree where he uses all that knowledge he professes ...


Well Doug what are you doing tomorrow? I'll pay you $200 to climb a tree next to me and we'll shot video of both of us. I'd like to see if you could teach me anything.

the Aerialist
So what have you done lately?

8-10 feet from the trunk is hardly a limb walk.

Posting on a forum without showing your own work is just throwing shells from the peanut gallery. Man up losers, at least mine are here for all to see.

Here's a tree we get to bomb most of it down. The final drop was tricky though. A lot of lean. All in a day's work for those that actually do work in trees.

It was a takedown ...

Aerial Mason- If you set your climbing line higher, you will be able to walk out to the end and tie off your lowering line. Also, setting a block in the tree will help reduce damage to the limb the lowering line is running over.

Using the set pole seemed a good alternative to get a lowering line on that branch. I was clearing the lower limbs and my TIP was set fine for that. There are many different approaches and each tree is uniquely different. In the end you have to be there to make the decisions on how best to handle what is before you. Seeing photos or even watching movies don't give you the whole picture.

I don't claim to be the best climber here or anywhere but I do the work without damage or injuries so what's not to like? I'm not copping a plea, but I'm a busted up old man. You should be so lucky to climb and work as I do when you get to be my age (64.5 years)
Posting on a forum without showing your own work is just throwing shells from the peanut gallery. Man up losers, at least mine are here for all to see.

Here's a tree we get to bomb most of it down. The final drop was tricky though. A lot of lean. All in a day's work for those that actually do work in trees.


Aerial Mason- that is classic. A car jack? You sir are a walking dooms day machine. I will keep you in my prayers.
AA, I would more than gladly come out & help/teach you! two things though #1 I have not been cleared by the Doc for intensive climbing, I do what I can & am building up to it......#2 $200 for the day, um....have to pass on that, I made $300.00 just helping out a buddy in bloomfield Friday & all I did was show up with the 5 ton dump & let his crew load it up with some bricks from when they cut out 2 openings for doors!

What you have to understand is not every one goes out to work with a camera/video device to film themselves, I have taken still photos just to show the Tow behinds in action & where they can be put, If I wanted to I could take pics/vids but honestly find it a distraction........Im out there to work!! not worried about filming my self.......however some on here have given advice, write articles & think they are the tree law..........those are the ones who should put up something worth a dam!!

Why you are calling out Mike is a little wierd, he is one I would consider the real deal!!!! you were doing good posting, Now you seem to have slipped back to your old posting ways? Not to be ignorant to you........but you, your crew & those that help you are not well known to many in the tree community, Matt is a rising star & treemergency.....I might know or have a mutual friend in the trade that knows us both.

I have done my time in the saddle & have made my mark, I have furthered my education to a point where I am more on the IT side of tree work, DRG, Dupont, First Energy, Duquesne Light.......Parks service Consulting & many other vegetation Management is where the future & Money is IMO, have to of been top tier in your trade, educate yourself, have out of state commendations (not A-List), be recommended by your peers (former CEO of DQE) & so on.... When you get to this point let me know....... & we can talk! till then Take Care & Be Safe

Posting on a forum without showing your own work is just throwing shells from the peanut gallery. Man up losers, at least mine are here for all to see.

Here's a tree we get to bomb most of it down. The final drop was tricky though. A lot of lean. All in a day's work for those that actually do work in trees.


AA, REALLY???? Ya cant let your man climb & get`re cutting while the man is ascending the tree!!!! If you did that to me........Id cut the whole dam lead off you were in! thats just sillyness & dangerous as hell, BTW, I see on craigslist while I was searching for a part for my reloader that there is another premier tree service in Pittsburgh............just call Butch it says!

God I love some of those ads...............when I read the heading that said "Premier" I thought of you AA...

That was me ascending ...

AA, REALLY???? Ya cant let your man climb & get`re cutting while the man is ascending the tree!!!! If you did that to me........Id cut the whole dam lead off you were in!...

Err ~ that was JohnBoy up first. I was OK with that though, he was just free dropping limbs while I went up to rope some over the fence. We really were not that close together, nothing he was cutting could have reached me.
I'll pay $300 if you show up with a 5 ton dump ...

AA, I would more than gladly come out & help/teach you! two things though #1 I have not been cleared by the Doc for intensive climbing, I do what I can & am building up to it......#2 $200 for the day, um....have to pass on that, I made $300.00 just helping out a buddy in bloomfield Friday & all I did was show up with the 5 ton dump & let his crew load it up with some bricks from when they cut out 2 openings for doors!

What you have to understand is not every one goes out to work with a camera/video device to film themselves, I have taken still photos just to show the Tow behinds in action & where they can be put, If I wanted to I could take pics/vids but honestly find it a distraction........Im out there to work!! not worried about filming my self.......however some on here have given advice, write articles & think they are the tree law..........those are the ones who should put up something worth a dam!!

Why you are calling out Mike is a little wierd, he is one I would consider the real deal!!!! you were doing good posting, Now you seem to have slipped back to your old posting ways? Not to be ignorant to you........but you, your crew & those that help you are not well known to many in the tree community, Matt is a rising star & treemergency.....I might know or have a mutual friend in the trade that knows us both.

I have done my time in the saddle & have made my mark, I have furthered my education to a point where I am more on the IT side of tree work, DRG, Dupont, First Energy, Duquesne Light.......Parks service Consulting & many other vegetation Management is where the future & Money is IMO, have to of been top tier in your trade, educate yourself, have out of state commendations (not A-List), be recommended by your peers (former CEO of DQE) & so on.... When you get to this point let me know....... & we can talk! till then Take Care & Be Safe....

As far as "calling Mike out" he started the feces fest. By now all here should know that I will reply in kind if I am attacked. If Mike wants a piece of me all he needs to do is take a bite. I'm always happy to bite back when attacked. I'm really a sweet old man by most accounts of people who have met me. I return respect to all who respect me. You don't have to like me, but a bit of common human decency would make things go a lot smoother here.

Matt and Ben have actually met me and worked for me. In Matt's case he really helped me out with those stumps and Ben did really well trimming some trees in wires for me. I'd like to be able to offer a climber full time work, but right now I can't. Next Season I'll consider it if my business keeps up the trajectory it has attained the past couple of years.

Today we took down three more dead Locusts. One hairy moment as I reached over and cut the top out of one from another, more solid one. Branches deflected it and it landed pretty close to the house. After that it was a simple drop. Still entirely to much dead wood today. I'm glad to be home.

the Aerialist
As far as "calling Mike out" he started the feces fest. By now all here should know that I will reply in kind if I am attacked. If Mike wants a piece of me all he needs to do is take a bite. I'm always happy to bite back when attacked. I'm really a sweet old man by most accounts of people who have met me. I return respect to all who respect me. You don't have to like me, but a bit of common human decency would make things go a lot smoother here.

Good thing for you I'm bored, AA, as I've been trying to refrain from commenting on your inane ####pile of so-called work for a bit but I got nothin' better to do tonight. lol Mike IS the real deal, and if you actually used this site for what you claim you want it for you would know that. If you really wanted to learn the trade and better yourself and actually spent some time researching and pulling out the little gems of knowledge this site has to offer you would surely have stumbled across one of Mike's videos by now. Unfortunately, for you, you're a blowhard douchenozzle that has no interest in our trade other than making a quick buck before your old ass keels over and dies. Look him up, follow his posts, see how reasonable and postured he is when discussing any arboricultural practice with ANY worthy climber and you might learn a thing or two. Either that or keep on waddling about, filling trees with concrete, spiking up your pruners, and generally looking like the biggest ass to ever walk into the world of tree care. Up to you, either do the research and better yourself or continue to be belittled by the professionals on this site.
Thanks Chris.

I've been online since 1995 and been reading tree forums since the old ISA site. I didn't know much back then (thought I did) but it was much more than AA does now. I've been running a chainsaw since I was 11 and climbing since 1990. However, I can never repay what I've learned from some of the members here and elsewhere.
You're just a wimp afraid to post your work. The only thing we'd all learn if you did is what a fake you really are.

Your such a dumb ####ing donkey doug , he had a crane job on here and plenty of pics but you , I mean your a hot mess , you hire retoids , and all pile in the van in the morning to go and take complete advantage of your unknowing uneducated customers , you've admitted that you have no problem ripping people off and basically you've been made yourself your own worst enemy with your lies complete disreguard for any kind of knowledge period .. You think that you hanging around bothers us , watching your dumb ass videos just make me laugh period they are a direct extention of you..... a complete joke .....

Here's a video that shows why I wouldn't like working in a high production environment, especially if the guy quoting the job is used to being in a bucket, i.e. "Bucket Queen".

Seeing TreeEmergencyB whizz through trimming made me feel old and slow. Anyway without further ado (or mea culpa's) here is the Aerialist trimming a Pin Oak:

Holy chit, I don't know what to think about this video, you use a 200T to lionstail and cut twigs...Wtf! Then referring to your self in third person like your some type of superhero.. YOU SUCK DUDE! It's a miracle that you haven't killed or severely injured yourself...and watching TreeEmergencyB work didn't make you feel old and slow, I think it made you realize how old and slow you really are...
I'm a tree surgeon (mostly amputations) and my tree saw is my scalpel. To limit myself to two handed operations would seem awkward and inefficient, especially for skimming off suckers.

So your the one who leaves the limbs all scarred up from using ur 200 to strip the foliage (lionstail) the limbs...smh you really should watch your own videos and see how foolish you look... Just sayin!

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