I'm surprised the prices in NY on firewood are so low really. I do know where people depend on firewood for heat the prices are lower, the people that want it for looks and atmosphere the prices are much higher especially in an urban area. All markets are a bit different as you look around the country, if you are in an area where you can get a premium for your firewood the more power to you. I see ads on craigslist here that advertise a full cord of seasoned firewood from $100 to $400, that spread is just crazy, I also see a guy selling a half a face cord stacked for $150. I advertise $300/cord & $175/half cord and it's a challenge keeping up with the demand. 60%-75% are repeat customers every year, it varies a little bit because sometimes people get a cord and it lasts two years or they just go by price and get burned and come back the next year. I just continue to do what I do, business as usual, treat people as good as I can and always try to make things right within reason if a problem occurs.