you say your boss is your friend? Doesent sound like it
A high school dropout pumping gas or stocking shelves or flipping burgers makes close to $10.00/hr in Ontario.
Your boss is getting a real bargain and you are getting taken for a ride. Just sayin'
i haven't made $11hr since high school and that was twenty years ago. I live on the east coast where things are a bit cheaper, I cant imagine making that out west. How the hell do you live? Let me guess on smack ramin and pbjs with 5 roomates or in your parents basement. Dude what are you doing?
i haven't made $11hr since high school and that was twenty years ago.
You made $11 hr in high school in 1992. I call bs, what did you do sell weed?
You made $11 hr in high school in 1992. I call bs, what did you do sell weed?
Been with a company for three years as climber and crew supervisor. I deal with customers and do bids that the boss man doesn't have time for. My boss is more of a buddy than the typical employer. He promises me the world if stay with him, $100,000 + salary with in ten years. All that I have to do is struggle through the growing pains with him while the company grows. I suppose I am a sucker for staying this long but I really want to believe him. . . . Current wage $11.00 an hr. . . . no over time.. My gut is starting to scream at me to go to a community college I know of with a structural fire program. My dream set up is on my days off from being a fire medic, I would be either own and operate a small part time tree company, or get on with a larger company as a climber or supervisor. I know that I can not get tree work out of my blood but its too much of a gamble to give my current boss 5-10 years and have it not work out.. . . .any body Oregon need a dependable groundie while I go to school?
Ha, my first job when I was in high school was working in a chicken house/egg farm and I got paid $2.19 an hour. My next job was working at the Elks club part time for $4 an hour. I thought I was ####ting in tall cotton when I finally went to work for a restaurant, worked my way up to cook and made $5 an hour. My highest paying job while I was in HS was $7 an hour and I was working for the place on an apprenticeship program through my vo-tech high school.
LOL, chicken house! been there done that. LOL my God it was nuts.I was in high school and it was just a thing when it was time to "load em out" and off to,well...IDK where they went. They got em as peeps and then we poxed em all (some kinda injection to the leg) and then in however many months we "load em out" and more came in. Smelly!!!! When you stood in the middle of one of the barns you couldnt see either end. Of course it was dimly lit. Those damn birds could sure make a racket....Thats funny to think back on,kinda makes me want a dip of copenhagen. IDK what we were paid, not much.
I have been climbing over twenty years in Michigan. I have never been paid a hourly wage as a climber, always a percentage and I still demand a percentage now. Unless there is an abundance of climbers where you are, as in Michigan, I'm with those who tell you to take a stand, get more money! Over the course of twenty years as "freelance" climber I can tell you whoever you work for will pay you as little as you let them get away with. And this business breeds some fast talkers who will promise the world but come up just short and string you along. If you have what it takes, hire out to some other companies and start to create a positive rep. You'll get screwed on a lot of difficult, or large trees, but you will start to find yourself in demand and more able to name your, rerasonable price, to climb. The small companies with less overhead can afford to pay more. Don't burn any bridges and bring a positive attitude to your crew, because they will all need you again.