Todays project saw 2 for 1 deal

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scottr said:
Kevin , I looked up the 2250 IPL and it is the same for the 2450 and the 2550 (36cc , 40cc , and 42cc) types 1-5 . If you give me the Craftsman model number I'll look it up to be sure . Did you check the oil tank filter ?
All I could find on the red CM saw was 530 058670, might just be the sticker part number scott. It is a CM 42-18. I bet they are the same, i am going to pull the primer pump today and check it. i probably missed the aliment on the crank spring , when reinstalling the crank.
Adrpk said:
What? Was he here and I missed him?

I think he was referring to another thread where I commented on him working at the kitchen table. I would be in hot water for that! Of course, I have a garage to work in though. Half of the garage got turned into a workshop via the tape measure. Seems my new (to me) truck won't fit in there.
Cut4fun said:
Steve I will give you the lower assembly without the fried piston and cylinder.
If you have a extra used work chain or 2 in 3/8, 050, 58, 59, 60, drive links, I could use for some 59 bars i ended up with would be nice to boot.
The left over crank is the 42cc crank.

I don't know what the differences are...never tore into the wally world poulans...

All my old work chains are 058....I got rid of most of the 058's trying to switch to 050 for everything. 058 seems to be the big chain around here in Husky and jonsered dealers eyes. Got sick of haveing too many differant chains.

I could probably spin you up a loop, what ever length you wanted. i have a couple new 84DL 050 chains I could break down.

Part Number

Cut4fun said:
All I could find on the red CM saw was 530 058670, might just be the sticker part number scott. It is a CM 42-18. I bet they are the same, i am going to pull the primer pump today and check it. i probably missed the aliment on the crank spring , when reinstalling the crank.
Kevin , the sears website has no online information for that part number . You keep calling it a spring but maybe a worn gear looks like a spring .
scottr said:
Kevin , the sears website has no online information for that part number . You keep calling it a spring but maybe a worn gear looks like a spring .
Scott, I got it the nylon pump gear was wore on the red saw. So I pulled the pump from the green one, like new and works now.
On the crank there was this worm gear (wire metal spring thing, lol) that i was talking about, that fit into the pump gear drive. Only took about 5 mins to pull clutch and switch them out. Man these things are so much easier to work on and smokes the stihl project saw i just finished with more cc's.

Steve, no sweat on the chain. Forget it. I got 2 59 drive link 16" bars and my 60 DL chains wont work on. Just to cheap to go buy a freaking chain for each.
I will give you the crank with rod and lower casing next time we meet. Should bolt right up without any problems. pretty universal stuff
mattinky said:
Hey Freak, I have a wild Thing crank if cut4fun does'nt. Not trying to horn in on his business - just an offer to help if he can't. PM me if you need it.
Thanks, Matt in KY

My bad, I have a crank for a Wood Shark, not a Wild Thing - don't know if they'd happen to be the same or not. Matt in KY
Man I dont know about this younger generation, 20 somethings. I offer a free saw and how to's and all he had to do was come pick it up. Lives about 20 miles from me.
Well now he wants to know if I mind bringing it to him.
Well thats where I drew the line, its here and I will give the quick how to's if he shows. Guess it would have been easier to just load my freaking saws and used my gas and time and just cut the wood for him and then stacked it and kept the fire burning through the night for his kids.
I give up. :buttkick:
Man I dont know about this younger generation, 20 somethings. I offer a free saw and how to's and all he had to do was come pick it up. Lives about 20 miles from me.
Well now he wants to know if I mind bringing it to him.
Well thats where I drew the line, its here and I will give the quick how to's if he shows. Guess it would have been easier to just load my freaking saws and used my gas and time and just cut the wood for him and then stacked it and kept the fire burning through the night for his kids.
I give up. :buttkick:

I'll take it for free!
I'll take it for free!

I was trying to help out a family members cousin by the offer of a free saw. Not just to anyone RB_VA. :cheers:
Anyone that can afford a sweet 5100S, doesn't need this saw. :bowdown:
I bet you want me to pay shipping too, RB. LOL.
I was trying to help out a family members cousin by the offer of a free saw. Not just to anyone RB_VA. :cheers:
Anyone that can afford a sweet 5100S, doesn't need this saw. :bowdown:
I bet you want me to pay shipping too, RB. LOL.

You are right. Maybe the guy was low on gas money. Who knows?

At some point I would like to tear into a saw. I see them on craigslist all the time for cheap.
Naw, He is a momma's boy and she fills that gas tank still.
He is just that way and will wait it out till momma buys and gives him a new saw. I bet.
Time will tell. :rock:
If you have a carb and air cleaner assy, primer bulb, and top cover on the cheap I'll buy them and give it a try. I won't return them for money back or leave bad feedback. I know they might not fit.

If the money isnt here by Tue,since you said you mailed it out around jan 3rd, the parts are going elsewhere.
So did you send the check a week ago or not, just a simple yes or no. i dont care one way or another, just be honest ok.
I am going to start playing with one of those saws, it is to help out a friend as well. I didn't realize they don't have AV. Kevin when you made the video did you do a muffler mod to it? I pull the basket and screen out of one and I couldn't believe how much weight was there, I think I am going to port one for grins and to see how I can make out with a 36cc junk saw. It would be nicer to start with a 42 cc saw to begin with but I'll see how I make out. squish was .033 so it is fairly tight anyway. Do you still have the carb for the 42cc craftsman and if so what size is the venturi in mm? they are easy to work on and they feel ok in the hands but could stand to be a little lighter for the power they have. the design is similar to the stihl 025 or husky 345 but the stihl feels much more like a saw that can do some work.

BF, I will get you the info later on the zama carb from 42cc. Also I just took out baffle and removed screen and then open the two rear exhaust slots as far as they would go. If I knew the young man wasnt going to come and get it, I would also opened up the front of muffler and worked on the exhaust and intake ports for fun too.
The ones with AV and that motor are the PP220 38cc and PP260 42cc. My little PP220 kicked a few little stihls behinds in its day on 024's and below. It was a real rpm turner.
the intake an exhaust are standard narrow stock ports at about 50%. I think there is a lot to be gained, the cranktrain looks weak so I don't know how well it will hold up. the transfer are very poorly constructed, probably the worst I have ever seen. It will be hard to get them to flow smoother but I will give it a try. Do you want me to post pics here or start my own thread. Maybe I will just post it on a different site.:taped:

I never thought I would work on these little saws but they are so cheap. Why not.
You know where I can check it out. Plus i would start your own thread. i want to follow it. Yeah the crank area is real weak area imo.