Tree Guy
Last limb syndrome? So that's what you call it. Yep been there, hope to not repeat it.
Last summer I was removing a large pine near a cottage. Had lowered every limb by rope. At the top on the last limb, before cutting the top, I decided to untie the limb (very small anyways) and throw it away from the cottage. It hit the ground tip side first and then springpoled 20' into a screened porch, tearing one of the full size screens. I replaced 3 panes on that side, due to the fact that the screens were old and would look odd with only one replaced.
The customer was so pleased with the job she gave me a $100 tip. That more than covered the $40 in screen that I purchased, but I learned (once more) to listen to that little voice.
Last summer I was removing a large pine near a cottage. Had lowered every limb by rope. At the top on the last limb, before cutting the top, I decided to untie the limb (very small anyways) and throw it away from the cottage. It hit the ground tip side first and then springpoled 20' into a screened porch, tearing one of the full size screens. I replaced 3 panes on that side, due to the fact that the screens were old and would look odd with only one replaced.
The customer was so pleased with the job she gave me a $100 tip. That more than covered the $40 in screen that I purchased, but I learned (once more) to listen to that little voice.