Well, that explains why the PO sold it to you via CL...
They didn't want to mess with that kind of a mess.
Tar... nasty stuff... I has some sealing up some small holes in the flatboat. I wanna trade said flatboat for something that goes 'bang, rkcct-rkt, bang, rkcct-rkt, bang'
AKA: Boomstick, riffle, loud object that pisses the neighbors off, etc.
I will have to post a picture of the tool I made to pull the fuel injectors on my 1985 VW with CIS (Bosch K-Jetronic) injection.
Those damn seals on the injectors and injector cups were shot. I mean
shot. They're supposed to be flexible, but nope... they were as hard as a fricking rock. That's what 26 years will do to what once were perfectly good seals. The old ones are made of rubber. The new ones are Viton, so hopefully that means they'll last even longer. I sure hopes this will cure the vacuum leaks that previously plagued the car. The 100 bucks I spent on the parts for it could've gone into a lower stress bar for more handling, but I guess the car just wanted new seals.
Ah, I can't wait until the day I have enough money to build up that parts car engine... 1.8L solid lifter... maybe a turbo for the heck of it too... looking for at least 250 hp to the wheels.
I would be building the trans too. Oh man, a 2200 lb car with 250 whp...