TreeHouse Elder
Ryan Willock said:This is going to be interesting!!!
Ha! Probably not. :alien:
Ryan Willock said:This is going to be interesting!!!
I want my 30 seconds back!ismyturnnow said:Did ya ever notice that when lets say that whenever something is invented its great, but then someone else has an idea so the the original plan is wrong then? Huh?
Have you ever noticed that if ya trim a tree and it lives for another 50 or 60 years and you used spikes over and over again through the years and the tree kept living, that it may be wrong to use spikes because the tree could have lived the same amount of time if you had used a ladder or lets say a bucket truck? Have you, honestly have you ever once seen a tree die from spiking. Well I'd like to answer that before I go on. I've been doing this a long time people and I have yet to see one tree die from spiking or become unhealthy from spiking. I have yet to see any tree I've topped die from spiking and Topping at the same time. Let me explain something and see if you (whoever) reads this can undersatnd it. People go to school and college to learn things and most are just dumb as bricks when it comes to common sense they have to be taught how to live. The point here is the most of you men read a book, took a course or was told about treework before you actually started doing it for yourself. So just because of how you were taught to do things that certain way, you all think that is the right way, but my friends trees (nature) will take care of themselves if not (scalped). Oh real quick I take trees (down) in maryland can't get me for that and thats another reason why alot of you don't spike its against the law where you work and/or you just take the easy way with a bucket. Oh I give treetrimmers bad names just because I don't follow your closely knit groups rules. I am my own person i don't need fellow so-called treemen to make me feel important. I do good work and I get paid for it and I get called back to do more work not because the trees have died from spiking or topping because the trees are living, looking good and healthy. I never pointed a finger at anyone and said they were drunk and doing treework I said most climbers are drinkers maybe not on the job but if they get drunk the night before they aren't steady the next day. Unnecessary expenses like $350,000 worth of equipment just so you can have your buddies in awe, and alot of you know what i'm talking about. In all honesty I have nothing against any of you as a person, but there is more than one way to skin a cat (fish) and not the only way you've learned. Happy Tree Trimming.
Any form of life approached with a chainsaw has reason to worry.
Excellent post!Matt Follett said:That is perfect! I truley love it Spydie, I request permission to quote it further on in life.
Matt Follett said:That is perfect! I truly love it Spydie, I request permission to quote it further on in life...
clearance said:Thanks JJ, I'm a certified utility arborist and I love trees especially conifers, but I wish the public understood why the powerline is more important than the life or look of any tree.
clearance said:... the powerline is more important than the life or look of any tree.
clearance said:Alan-here we have to adhere to proper pruning techniques, or the utility will complain. The days of stubs are past.