its VERY easy to get a CDL, if you can back a trailer and remember stuff from a book long enough to pass a 3 week school, finding out is just something that comes with really driving and time behind the wheel, I just started driving on my own and I found out, driving a semi vs a car is so different that you cannot even in the slightest compare the 2
driving anything bigger than a pickup, people try to kill themselves with your truck, they don't know it but they are playing with fire and its 100% on you to drive in a manner that prevents them from doing that, along with managing a 40-100ft long truck in traffic, I drive like a complete ******* for a reason, I don't drive like people want me to, but in such a way that it makes people so scared to be around me that they don't hang out next to me, I'm a "bad" driver on purpose, refusing to signal my lane changes is one, people will try to stop you from changing lanes, the instant you announce that you plan to get over a lane, someone ALWAYS flies up next to you and stops you, so I quit signaling till the last second
also, hauling timber will have you in nasty places constantly, I take my truck into places that most people I know won't even attempt to take a car or pickup, its just part of the job, narrow twisty mountain roads, idiot cars that brake check you, cut you off, try to push you out of your lane, its crazy
just from the last 2 months of driving maybe once a week I've had multiple incidents that almost resulted in an accident, one was a subaru cutting me off and slamming on their brakes, sucked the seat of my truck so far up my ass you couldn't identify it anymore, almost killed them
put my truck in the ditch 2 weeks ago because a schoolbus came around a corner 100% in my lane (2 lane road), had to ditch the truck to not kill anyone
had a semi stop me from merging onto the highway one night, came to a complete stop as I was trying to filter in behind him, stopping traffic
last week I had a pickup speed up to get next to me when I tried to merge to the right lane to make an exit 2 miles ahead, he was yelling and flipping me off, best part is that he was so far back I couldn't see him in my mirrors till I put my blinker on, I pushed him anyways, he took an unscheduled exit and was extremely mad, not my problem, I was half way into that lane when he flew up next to me, too bad for him, I'm in a bigger truck, making a move that was planned and announced ahead of time and he thought he could just police me, he ended up being forcefully pushed off an exit ramp while flipping me off
I've also had a few times where people don't want to get stuck behind me, so they fly out infront of me giving me almost no stopping room, I've come around blind turns and theres people sitting there on their phones, not a problem in a car, but in a 40,000 pound truck that takes me a LONG time to stop, that's a problem
if you want to get into truck driving, get on with a shorthaul company that hauls from your town to the next or something, specifically pulling 28ft singles or a straight box truck, then after a few months go onto bigger stuff or running your own truck, but I can say from my experience, you do NOT want to get in a truck with no experience and try to drive it on public roads, and I started off with more experience in these than OP by FAR, and it still surprised me how hard it was
the amount of people I've almost killed in the last 3-4 months of driving my little 26K dump truck is staggering, sure some may be my fault as a "new" driver, but, MOST of it is morons in 4 wheelers that have never been in a big truck and they either freak out, or assume they drive like a car, and trust me, the car people WILL cuss you out, flip you off, brake check you, call the number on the side of the truck, etc, every friggen time you take your truck out, its just part of being "the ******* in the big truck that we hate but we can't live without"