Keep my 020avp in the cab between the bucket seats, a 066 sitting amongst the trash on the floorboard, those two ride fine and dont get used much. the empty beer cans,cope cans, pop cans keep them from moving much.
038mag and another 066 sit in the truckbox, the baroil, spare parts, axes wedges chains bars tools chaps helmets ect hold them all still they ride good.
thos 4 saws are always in the truck,
the other 2 066 get put in the truck every morning and come out every night, the one sits between my handmade 10 gal tank for my saw gas and my diesel fuel tank, the bar slides between the 2 and keeps from moving pretty good. the other sits tween diesel tank and the wheelwell of my truck, rides good, theres enough woodchips and pieces of bark in the back to "pad" the saws agains the bed.
all this in a little toyota 4wd truck.
dont ask why i got 4 saws in my truck at all times...