Tree ID section of ISA Arborist test.

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Sunrise Guy

Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
What is on this section of the test? Are we talking photos of trees and then multiple choice options or descriptions of leaves, bark, flower type and then the multiple choice answers. The study guide does not really give me an idea of how this section is organized. Are photos or sketches of leaf margins shown and then you name the type of edge seen, are leaf groupings shown, flower types, etc., etc? Do you need to match scientific names with common names? Are invasive species included, or are we talking about the good old standard oaks, elms, ashes, birch, pine etc.? Any and all info is appreciated. Thanks!
Tree ID part if test will usually
have 10 pics of different trees. Each tree pic sample will be usually 3-4 pics will show tree in full leaf, close up of bark and a close up of the twig structure. Muliple choices will include common name and scientific name. Check with ISA website for a local list of the tree ID for your area. List is usually most of the more common species to the area.
You will have to know how to read scientific names and what the parts mean
on the test also. Good luck.
When I took the test, a number of years ago, there were 10 branch tips about 2 feet long laying on the table and then 5 multiple guess answers to choose from. It was winter, so there weren't any leaves.
The mulptile guess made it easy, for me anyway.
In South Florida they also use actual pieces of the tree and give you a multiple choice answer. I would talk to someone at the ISA Chapter and find out from them, cause it sounds like it varies around the country.
Here too they used tree samples. A smart guy would take a walk around the park/office building where the test is at to get an idea of the trees that may show up.

Too they sent us a list of possible trees on the test. Got the list w/ confirmation of registration.
vharrison2 said:
David, exactly, the trees they used were on the site of the test!!

ditto that, here too.walk the grounds before the test.
only used twigs on my test. thank god I tested when they had leaves on.
10 specie out of 85 native to your area i believe
Penn-Del had 9 written questions (multiple choice) and 10 pictures the same as Dadatwins describes. It was the only part I had to retake. Didn't really study for it, I thought that was my strongest area.

We saw photos.

It may also be a twig test with real samples.

There is a list for your region from the ISA with the trees you need to know.

There's not room for much error.

It seems that you need to score at least 80%, if not 90% on that segment.

For some reason, I recall being concerned about room for only one mistake.

I scored 100% on that part. :popcorn:

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