Tree ID?

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Why do people post pics of blurred leaf canopys, shooting directly into the sun, with a cell phone, or from around 500' away and expect someone to be able to id it. At least pull a twig off and hold it in your hand, get a decent shot of the bark, and any other unique features.
I bet 10 bucks or rep's, 'white alder'. We are flooded with them.
Jeff :)
For the arborist guys, ( Alnus rhombifolia).

Thanks, Jeff. Rep for that!

Having seen it in person, I just checked my Audubon western trees guide and, judging by the pictures, it does appear to be White Alder. Sorry about the lousy camera phone picture. It was a quick estimate and I did not have a camera on me. I will try to do better next time!

There are two of these huge white alders in the front and a mature silver maple in the back. All of them have a DBH of 2.5-3.'

It's a major pruning job (They probably haven't been pruned in 10 years) which will take me and one groundman 3 days (hopefully), maybe more. The guy's jaw about dropped when I told him how much it would cost. I was afraid to underbid it and lose money on the job so I quoted more than my normal rate. We will see how it goes.

Is it acceptable to prune these trees now or should it wait for the winter months?
Huh...white alder. I was honestly thinking alder when I saw what looked like the cones, but in VA our alder (Alnus serrulata) are no more than shrubs. They can get pretty tall, but always have a shrub look to them with alot of suckers coming off of the base. I didn't even catch what jeff was calling it. Makes sense now.
Huh...white alder. I was honestly thinking alder when I saw what looked like the cones, but in VA our alder (Alnus serrulata) are no more than shrubs. They can get pretty tall, but always have a shrub look to them with alot of suckers coming off of the base. I didn't even catch what jeff was calling it. Makes sense now.

Sometimes, I don't even catch what I was saying.
Jeff :)