Scott’s old school lol.
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Oil will burn hotter and you are correct more oil means leaner air/fuel.I heard more oil effectively leans the saw gas-wise and you could end up running it hot. I am sure the builder knows what he's doing, and accounted for such in tuning the saw, but is my thinking incorrect? I am kinda new to all this, so please don't shoot me.
I’m not, I mix at 40:1. Back when I used to run 2 stroke snowmobiles my mechanic always said oil makes horesepower.Probably because more lube is better and more ring seal makes more power, not sure why people are so anti extra oil
Can't remember where i read it but it only makes power up to 11:1. I'm sure there's more variables (fuel quality, octane, ethanol, etc.) and those numbers might be wrong but around that point the lack of explosive combustion from the oil presence rather than gasoline outweighs the benefits of the extra ring sealHell if it made power why not just run it straight.
Mtron will compensate for a little extra oil. In non mtron saws, just give it a little more H screw. You'll need to adjust the tuning more for EFree vs E10 fuel then you will for 50:1 vs 32:1I heard more oil effectively leans the saw gas-wise and you could end up running it hot. I am sure the builder knows what he's doing, and accounted for such in tuning the saw, but is my thinking incorrect? I am kinda new to all this, so please don't shoot me.
nice saw. i have one and she is a ripper, i have a few ported by Scott.I recently sold my saws & most of my falling gear & planned to buy a new 462r, I had trouble locating one so I called a gentleman that most of you who have bought or sold know, Mr Dalton (Edwad): He had this new Tree Monkey 462r (only test cuts by Scott) is what I was told, I put about a tank and a half through it. It is everything I expected a saw ported by Scott would be! There is a saw that I want to buy that takes me back a few years to when I made a living with a saw, a non m tronic, anyhow I have a like new Tree Monkey 462 that I paid 1500 for shipped, I would like to get that back, 1500 shipped ( will be losing some on shipping). I went out last night an snapped a couple pics of the saw, I will add more and better pics today. The saw I want to buy is a 660r & this little saw will most likely out perform it but it is a nostalgic thing I suppose. I have a 25” light bar on this saw & I suppose we could discuss it as well although shipping a bar is very costly. This is a lot of money for a saw but a saw like this ported by Mr Kunz rarely shows up for sale. It won’t disappoint!!!!
Let’s just give it until Monday, you have a nice saw at a good price it should sell. I will just wait to hear from you Monday morning. Good Luck.Thankyou if mine doesn’t sell in a day or two I’ll pull it off the market and keep it