I know you guys think I take this guy to court, but I really don't need the hassle right now. The guy didn't mention anything about taking the stump out, but I called him earlier and left a message saying if he removed the rest of the tree and the stump I would consider the matter resolved. If he refuses to remove the stump I'll proceed with legal action.
Guy, of the 3 main stems on this tree the one that was removed was the only thing providing counterbalance to the 2 remaining stems. Not saying the tree wouldn't live, I just don't think it will withstand the hurricanes we get here. Here is a pic from the side. The lean is even more severe when you look at it from a perpendicular angle.
Guy, of the 3 main stems on this tree the one that was removed was the only thing providing counterbalance to the 2 remaining stems. Not saying the tree wouldn't live, I just don't think it will withstand the hurricanes we get here. Here is a pic from the side. The lean is even more severe when you look at it from a perpendicular angle.