Your looking right at the picture, how can you say it "sounds" or looks like it's topped? Also what does topping a crabapple "sound" like? Then you say it's been lion tailed? I've never seen a lions tailed / topped tree other then after the next year when suckers start coming up from the topped sections. That tree looks fine. I'm new to this site and sadly I have to say it is filled with whiny arrogant people who do nothing but cut other people down.
Back on the OP. I got to use a Genie lift a couple years ago to do some tree work at Ft. Leavonworth VA Hospital. I had to trim some trees away from the building they were refurbishing so the construction company could get their trash shoots built up. The construction company already had the genie lift there so I got to use it. It was nice just driving from tree to tree and always being in the right position.
OK I guess i'm being a little hard on the dude. Topping, shaping are pretty much the same thing to me. When you post a picture with a company name "Firehouse Tree Toppers" how can you not expect to get negative feedback. BTW are we here to talk about typing skills or trees. You don't know me so how can you say i'm arrogant and I have news for you bro you just participated in the whiney arrogant people who cut others down.