This may be the sissy thing to do but I kinda sit on the fence on this issue of "cottonwoods". They are a much hated tree in my area too. Mostly in residential areas. I am not going to say I know all the scientific names or even going to say I understand them. I just know people don't like the huge trees that shed gobs of cotton in the spring that plugs up air conditioners,swimming pools, window screens, and drop sticky green balls on their decks and driveways. These trees also seem to have a pretty evasive root system that seems to effect sewers, building foundations, and concrete driveways and sidewalks. These trees are beautiful, huge, and impressive to everyone, myself included, that does not live near one, or has to experience the mess they make. In my 12 years of line clearance I have not met one homeowner that doesn't regret planting, or at least removing a cottonwood in their yard before it got to big and expensive to do so. I have even heard of entire neighborhoods pitching in to remove a tree at one house, because the owner of the tree couldn't afford its removal. All trees have their own way of making messes and disturbing neighborhoods, but at least around here, the cottonwood seems to top the list. As I said I believe they are an impressive tree, but like most trees, they have their place, in parks, forests, fields, anywhere away from residential neighborhoods.