Trouble with David Bradley

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Feb 26, 2005
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Southeast, Ks
I have been working on this old 95 cc Dvid Bradley for a couple of weeks now and It is still acting strange in the high rpms. I am trying to replace all of the old components and so far I have put in a carb kit, new gaskets, fuel filternew, and a spark plug. I have inspected and adjusted the points, which is where I think my problem may be. I t will run fine for a while then if you pickup the saw and move around it will fluctuate at high rpm's, or if you put it under a load. The points were slightly pitted. Could this be the problem or perhaps the condenser. Any input would be much appreciated. This is the first time I have ever messed around with a saw that has points. Thanks
You just described an air leak. Pressure test and vaccuum test the crankcase pay particular attention to the crank seals.
Thanks! I willdo that tomorrow. I checked out the sears website and it says that the gasket kit for this saw is no longer available. Do you think anyone else would make one to fit this saw?

Hello. If you find that the seals are leaking, carefully remove them and measure the ID and OD of the seal. NAPA used to have cross refference books that could be used to match up a new seal for you. Clean the seal and sse if there is any numbers on it. Check out the various manufacturers that make seals. Victor, National seal, etc. and see if replacements can be found. Just a suggestion. Lewis.