First off, I've gone through my folder and although I've no correspondence from the Canadian Posch importer, I had reference to $4,600. shipping cost, assuming 20' container from Austria to MI. My first contact with the US importer resulted in no reply, an email glitch, perhaps on my part, so I contacted the Canadian importer out east. Months later I contacted Posch Austria by email, and the US importer, Northeast Implement, Spencer, NY replied the next day. They did not have one in stock, but shipped from Austria with other equipment.
April 2016.
Z9900500 (1) roll of netting, 5,905 lin. ft. $160. ea.
Z9900501 (1) pallet, 64 count, 5,905 lin. ft ea. $6,400.
Netting label is 60 cm x 1.800 m (I'm assuming the decimal point should be a comma)
Circumference is 2(pi)r; r = 2'; 12.56'
5,905/100.48 = 58.77 pallets, using eight wraps.
Eight is very conservative for wrapping/seasoning. For transporting I covered with a canvas sock.
I have wrapped 58 pallets with a roll, but have settled into eight wraps to get good overlap. I don't know that two full wraps are needed to start, but that's what I do, stop snd staple to pallet to keep from crawling when initially lifting drum. About eight inch overlap, depending. There are two levers for wrapping. One is wand speed, one is column lift. After initial two wraps I do full wand speed which is moderate, and focus on overlap with column lift speed.
Cost of netting per pallet: using $100./roll of netting and a very conservative 50 pallets per roll. $2.00/pallet (actual 50-58 per roll)
Capital equipment cost: April, 2016
Note: Posch has a very detailed online catalog. Google Posch catalog.
-M7360S stand alone unit with Honda engine $9,830.
-TH rotating sub frame with additional fill barrel. $5,925.
-Shipping from Spencer, NY to Grand Rapids, MI terminal (including pallet of netting) $900.
Total: $16,655. (in addition, $6,400. for 64 rolls of netting.)
I have done 1050 pallets approx. @ four pallets per cord. 262.5 cord.
The math, $63.45 per cord.
Combined Capital and consumable: $63.45 + $8.00 = $71.45 plus pallet cost per cord.
Obviously not cost effective at this volume per year, but the numbers give you something to go by for comparison, understanding these are 2016 prices.
Additionally, there is equity in the equipment.
If I sold the unit for 10k, the per cord price changes from $63.45 to $25.36.
Or if I doubled overall production $31.73 capital cost, $39.73 total cost per cord.
Then again cost on netting may have risen and have an opposite effect of falling capital cost. But the price of bulk bags has likely gone up as well.
There was one surprise/disappointment that proved mute. It did not come with a Honda engine for whatever reason. It has a B&S. No one likes surprises, but it has been a great engine, starting/stopping each pallet wrap. An additional hope was three pallets per cord. It takes four pallets per cord, cutting 16" lengths, and comes out near spot on, sometimes a cu. ft. bundle or two over. The fill drum volume is larger than bulk bags, yet bulk bag people insist three bags per cord. I'd had have to see that stacked out personally. cylinder vs rectangular, maybe surface volume?
At any rate, the more you do the less it cost vs the opposite with bags. In my case, with lower volume, bags may have been cheaper.
I did not include pallet cost. It varies here. I have only used 48" x 48", other sizes are sometimes free. Pine pallets sitting on gravel last three years, and quickly deteriorate. Pine often fails when initial splits drop from conveyor, making it difficult to get forks in pallet. There are pallets with wings. The stringers are inset from side, which the netting can catch on two sides, making stapling necessary only on the other two sides.
The is very well built, designed and very well finished/painted equipment. It has spent one winter in our garage, one winter in a container. The rest of the time, including winters, it's outside in the elements uncovered. The deck fasteners are stainless. I remove the deck panels and clean once a year. No rusted/frozen bolts. This is built for outdoor use, no corners cut. It is a pleasure to use, and beautiful finish. If anyone is considering one, you are welcome to see it, to run it for yourself.
Your equipment may also be a factor. Green oak is 5,800/cord and a pallet is 1/4 cord. Perhaps your doing soft woods at considerably less weight, but in the case of a tractor and Oak, one would most likely need a forty horse tractor to lift 1,450 pounds.
Rain day today in southwest MI.