Work Saw Specialist
how did it run with the factory mag before the port work? Also can you make a comparison video with the stock mag saw?
That thing looks strong, what rpm is it turning? in and out of the cut.
Its more than ok, you brought 1985 all the way to 2012. Now I want my mag tickled.
Holy Jumping Jehosaphat! :hmm3grin2orange:
I think I will need to put some bigger dogs on there like Stihlmech has on his. The ones on there know can go on my ms 360. Ok guys I think we are going to putting on a bigger carb. I need more power. Lee
This makes me wish I'da kept my ole 038M. She was a real beauty of an 038 too. About as mint as you could get. Must have only had about 5 tanks ran through it. Here's a pic of it.
This makes me wish I'da kept my ole 038M. She was a real beauty of an 038 too. About as mint as you could get. Must have only had about 5 tanks ran through it. Here's a pic of it.
I only have the 038 Tilly.....I need the Mag carb...Bing or Tilly.
Upgrades......I like upgrade almost as much as I like pie. :msp_biggrin:
That sounds really interesting. I would find some use for it. :msp_thumbup:
I'll have your 066 jug done's number is up finally.