It's all so true, save a few;
They woodn't have me, so now the one stuck is you!
The only wimmens thar wuz, Cooked for us some etc.;
Couldn't understand but some giggling; all 100%real imported spanish nuns,
even the cloistered ones in center square, sealed of by chainlink fence to all but air.
only seen walking in prayer, outside of their lair
Take bulk food in rolled on a belt thru a small low gate, clean quietly and say silent prayer,
commited to ab-soul-ute silence, emergency mail, and not to leave that square, And noone to enter save extreme medical emergency.
eterrnally too, the cemetry was in there with'em in thar very lil' lil'square.
But must change you, about the blond;
don't know if all that did it,
but somehow go for the petitte, tanned mysterious brunnette(s) with brains, sense of pur-pose and humor!
So if ya see all the sex in my first post to this thread here,
Ya know prolly din't belong there!
But to the subject of this thread, i love a rig that floats balanced to the side, with so much clean force flowing that grace is evident floating what now seems magically small size.
Liked gymnastics, guess at first i cheated Iron Cross with leverage, grabbing far outsaide of rings, to rest wrist across base;
Forgive me but years of standing in innertube, laced under feet to hands, to give increased support as you went down to harder position, so got in a hurry! But then there were clean faces, of slight ladies, hair pulled back tight; flowing all around too, so the shoulder pain was alright!
So my passion is too, a light sporty, funny ladies with that same breathless balance of feminity overiding all that. Finding the same magical balance in the no extreme to either side like that, yet so much clean lady power as to ovverride simple jeans and T-shirt, to shine more than all others bigger and flashier, in dress and stance; simply, gracefully; as if to show ya she could!
So after both parrots, fish, reptiles, cats and just singled dawg are all cared for and well over fed,
Her pampered lil'child is soflty laid in bed,
No lectoring for church at this time of night,
Not bravely walking 12 thru the cancer ward her own sister had spent time before her last night;
i tell my lil'hero of the balanced effortless floating machines in all i seek,
Tell her this is her balance of magi-call such even-ing of rich de-serving time!
For the flowers are magical in all the beauty they give,
without them, their colors, scents, smoothness etc.
Be lots werse place to live! So give'em some sunshine as a recycled thing, more breathless balance smiling way down in!
When i'm told my imagery is just a conning line of dung;
i smile, go along with that thought,
and say perhaps right, but then state it's jsut a different type of fertilizer;
For a preciously different flower!
So they weren't afraid for the blonds,
cuz we didn't no any!!
Or something like that!
3 for me?
:alien: :alien: :alien: