TV spot on tree removal

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May 23, 2002
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Click here and then on the film spot

Yes, this is the place where I stole my avatar.

I have dial up and was able to view this film no problem. It buffered fast.

Shows the removal of what I would call a kastanie (sp?) or aesculus - I think just a chestnut in english. We don't have them here. This one was being removed because it is "sick" (krankheit)

It ends saying removal took 4 hours.

I see a few STUPID cuts where genius almost bongs himself. I have made the same mistake and been lucky like this guy also. :rolleyes:

He sets something with the bigshot but then still uses hooks for access (steigeisen).

It also shows hitting chainsaw pants with a saw and the binding action.

I found it entertaining
The things you are willing to do to selflessly further her education. Brings a tear to my eye.

Watched that whole clip and all you had to comment on was the least your priorities are in the right place;)
That was a good clip, too bad it wasn't in english..... Oh well, Brian you'll just have to teach her!!!:D
All for ya bud!

Fact, learnt sum thangs from ya,

i think ya could handle the BigShot better,
a'specially at point or re-lease.

Purr-haps might give sight better prep,
b'for running your line.

i belive you wood putt everything right,
in that tight box, right to the last large peace.

care-full trimmed to the end,
i saw the red shack, in the back too;

i totally under-stand sir,
i wuz trying very intensely to lip read too.

Real heart is a good thing,
and un-beatable with good technique.

Bet ya'd look good too,
riding high , happily waving to the crowd.

Show all that dared sneak a peek,
What a good man could do.

Especially at the end,
laying that big thing,
in with such confi-dance,
they really did do a nice job,
lining up as you wood,
leveraging it slowly to where it went,
with total confidence that it was lined up right,
No cuts taken then,
just pure power forcing home on what was set,
flexing it down as the challenge in hinge,
matched what called it,
making it stronger...........

okay, wake up, you's knot in germany
ya know what
Freud said about dreaming of trains,
through the mountainside.

i really don't think you are being fair to your self,
you have come such a long way,
learned boldly many knew things,
You brave enough to go there...........
Yet, You qualify that with English Lesson!
Perhaps she aalready knows it!
So un fair, Don't be the Ugly American!
Be more open minded,
A.S. you have been here
Maybe, she would say,
She would teach you
A foriegn tounge or two,
I'd suspect a report-her over there is at least-

Hope ya find this ger-mane to your the topic hear,

edit- ya guys know it's so polite; it even says:
"Thank-you for posting.....",
Even when i due!!
Go Figure!
Just watched it again. I think it says they only charged 400 Euro to drop it. 4 men, 4 hours :confused:

That and it said the Bigshot was just a demonstration.

My german sucks I know just enough to really get in trouble.
The flat chested girlie didn't impress me, but the tree work was pretty good. That tree in that little court down in 4 hours, not bad. Those saws cut like they were really sharp, and I didn't see a chipper or any way to drag brush, KF, think theyt went throught he living room? They were safe and expiditious, I have to give 'em credit.
All in all, a good flick. Thanks Tex.
Nice clip, thanks for posting Nathan!
I believe they say it's a Rosskastanie, a horse chesnut or
Aesculus hippocastanum. 100 years old.
It also sounds like the drop zone was only 2 or 3 meters wide
(zwei and drei are hard to distinquish).
They drop the spar after 3.5 hours and then it's 5 meters tall.
I also heard something about 400 euro, but not quite sure
what it included, they also say something abbout one of them
being a "praktikant" some kind of trainee, perhaps work for for
free ?
Well, now I'm needing some advice. When I bring the clip up, all I get is the audio, the video screen is black. Anyone know what I need to do to view Brian's golden girl...I mean, the tree work???
Anyone else notice that she was holding her note cards upside down?

Burnham, you may need to download the latest version of Media Player
You say you want more than just 5 min. of excited german voices
mixed with the sound of chainsaws ?
Try downloading the latest version of the windows media player,
probably from
Only on german television will you see news reporters(!?) wearing
tight leather pants !

The horse chesnut looks pretty beaten up by previous "pruning".
This is the case with many of the horse chesnuts here in
Stockholm as well. They were topped during the 60s. They
don't compartmentalize too well and many of them are being
removed now. Sad.

Just noticed, in the end Nicole (leather pants) says something
about the wood not being transported but burned in the
fireplaces (kaminen) of the residents.
Sure they were topped or just damamged every 10 years by wind or snow. That is what happens around here.

Many of the old fast growing trees get blown appart, you can tell the top jobs by the symetry of the wounding pattern.

I wonder what the willow oaks we worked on in NC will look like in 10 years?
Ummmmm, she had note cards?

Originally posted by Mike Maas
The flat chested girlie didn't impress me,

Well don't ya know, different bees cue up to different flowers;

According to their taste buds, some as if even pairallel resosanance to sighs,

So, Thanx for standing aside so, giving better view,

To those savoring meticulously,lightly balanced; prowess and grace!

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[So, Thanx for standing aside so, giving better view,

To those savoring meticulously,lightly balanced; prowess and grace!

:D [/B]

Ah spidey, and I'll bet you are dreamin' for a chance to experience that "prowess' first hand!!:blob2:

Ummm, them leather pants would look great hangin' over a chair.
How very elloquently put!! And to think people think that tree workers are just high school dropouts that are incapable of using grammer in a "educated" manner!!:p
Well Li'l Kenny was once a Seminarian, where they teach philosphy and sillygisums. Now I know why he forsook thqt vocation for tree touching.

The other would not let hin touch the blonds:D
It's all so true, save a few;
They woodn't have me, so now the one stuck is you!

The only wimmens thar wuz, Cooked for us some etc.;
Couldn't understand but some giggling; all 100%real imported spanish nuns,
even the cloistered ones in center square, sealed of by chainlink fence to all but air.
only seen walking in prayer, outside of their lair
Take bulk food in rolled on a belt thru a small low gate, clean quietly and say silent prayer,
commited to ab-soul-ute silence, emergency mail, and not to leave that square, And noone to enter save extreme medical emergency.
eterrnally too, the cemetry was in there with'em in thar very lil' lil'square.

But must change you, about the blond;
don't know if all that did it,
but somehow go for the petitte, tanned mysterious brunnette(s) with brains, sense of pur-pose and humor!

So if ya see all the sex in my first post to this thread here,
Ya know prolly din't belong there!

But to the subject of this thread, i love a rig that floats balanced to the side, with so much clean force flowing that grace is evident floating what now seems magically small size.

Liked gymnastics, guess at first i cheated Iron Cross with leverage, grabbing far outsaide of rings, to rest wrist across base;
Forgive me but years of standing in innertube, laced under feet to hands, to give increased support as you went down to harder position, so got in a hurry! But then there were clean faces, of slight ladies, hair pulled back tight; flowing all around too, so the shoulder pain was alright!

So my passion is too, a light sporty, funny ladies with that same breathless balance of feminity overiding all that. Finding the same magical balance in the no extreme to either side like that, yet so much clean lady power as to ovverride simple jeans and T-shirt, to shine more than all others bigger and flashier, in dress and stance; simply, gracefully; as if to show ya she could!

So after both parrots, fish, reptiles, cats and just singled dawg are all cared for and well over fed,
Her pampered lil'child is soflty laid in bed,
No lectoring for church at this time of night,
Not bravely walking 12 thru the cancer ward her own sister had spent time before her last night;
i tell my lil'hero of the balanced effortless floating machines in all i seek,
Tell her this is her balance of magi-call such even-ing of rich de-serving time!

For the flowers are magical in all the beauty they give,
without them, their colors, scents, smoothness etc.
Be lots werse place to live! So give'em some sunshine as a recycled thing, more breathless balance smiling way down in!

When i'm told my imagery is just a conning line of dung;
i smile, go along with that thought,
and say perhaps right, but then state it's jsut a different type of fertilizer;
For a preciously different flower!

So they weren't afraid for the blonds,
cuz we didn't no any!!

Or something like that!
3 for me?
:alien: :alien: :alien:
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I wonder what the willow oaks we worked on in NC will look like in 10 years? [/QUOTE]

they'll look like...willow oak trees before the ice! The growthresponse on some of them is astounding; 3-4' long sprouts are already asserting dominance in their run to the sun. First thinning moved up to Dec 04.

I got to do 2 big spreading Q. phellos fellows yesterday--solo cuz helper pulled a no-show. I had only 2 hrs. sleep and it was raining off and on but they were in a park where a 4th of July celebration is today and I'd promised to get em done in time.

Just to make it MORE interesting they were full of moss from all the rain we've had. It's like the Olympic peninsula here. So it was just me and polesaw, $75. buttstrap saddle, 8- and 10-mm mountaineering ropes, the old 1/2" arborplex for lowering (someone swiped my bullrope), and of course my beloved ladder.

No flip line, no ascenders, and I don't even know how to footlock.
Took wraps in the crown and lowered everything myself. Called out to folks in the park to untie when limbs touched down. (These folks also kept the dropzone clear of kids etc. too, I'm not unsafe you know.)

2 trees took 6.5 hours, made more in that time than in 4 days last week teaching science to rich middleschoolers. Aahhh, tree care is such a fun thing to do at 52 in the land of the free.
Celebrate Independence!
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