that is a pic of wood from way down the crotch, and the one I'm holding with my chewed on finger nails is a branch. It's all nasty like that! the only rason I cut it down is it was standing dead and I cut the ash next to it down and had room left in the truck for some more, so it came down too. I will definately avoid it next time!
That first pic is of a piece that went thru the splitter 3 times! It just won't "crack" open. I think it died fairly recently as it is still damp inside, especially compared to the ash, which I could burn today.
PA-I'm no expert, but I've split a lot or red, some pin and some white oak and they were a breeze compared to this stuff. The maul just bounced off it, and that was the small piece I'm holding in the one pic. Whatever it is, I'm going to wait until the first freeze before I try to split it agian....unless I bet my buddy his new splitter won't split it cleanly!