I AM surprised to no one mentioned two climbers... That is crucial for optimal efficiency... Sometimes trading off on removals or crane work, or both pruning the same tree on big trees, or different trees at the same time. cabling is also much faster and better with two climbers.
The chipper... I would say minimun 15", 140 HP with a winch, though if your truck can pull, it would be really nice to go with 18" and 200+ HP.
The bigger the chipper the bigger the chip box you'll need. I AM happy with a 14' forrestry body right now, though I could probably benefit from upgrading to a 16-18' extra tall box... Last crane day we dumped three times and that was end of december with short days..
I AM also happy with an rg super-50 66HP, 4x4 self propelled grinder, though I wouldn't mind going to the super 90... I tow it with a SUV... one of my peers has the same grinder towed behind and f-350 grain body dump and he puts a mini skid steer (to haul dirt and chips) side by side on the same trailer as the stump grinder.... That is the ultimate residential set up for stumps...
for the true ultimate set up you'd need a) two buckets, 75' and a 65 or 55', b)two cranes, a 30-35 ton 110-127' (without jib), and a back yard crane, rear mounted, or possibly mounted behind the cab with bunks for hauling logs, at least 23 tons and 85-90' of stick, and c) two log loaders, the big tri-axle with a prentice 120 (or better) and bunks, as well as a smaller truck, dump box, and the telescoping boom with 50' reach...
You'd have to run 5-6 crews minimum to make it pay having all that hardware... More leadership than most desire or are capable of, myself included... So maybe for most people, one crane and a 75' bucket would be enough. Rent a bigger/smaller crane when needed and sub out the log hauling until you are sure it will pay to have your own truck.