I've LOST my MIND with saw auctions!!!!

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Mar 17, 2010
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Somewhere in Time

I just don't get it!!:bang::bang:

Two Examples of completed listings...

one RUNNING saw:

and one parts saw:

We get a running vid, of a complete saw in the 1st auction, and a saw with a few major bad/ or major missing pieces (as well as small stuff, we ALL KNOW add up...) in the 2nd auction:

SO, help me out here..:dizzy: :dizzy:

This parts saw PROBABLY needs a cyl set (not just a piston/hone) as well, with comp as bad as 50 PSI...

Parts saw: $360 (not including shipping, but rounded up )
cyl + piston (MAYBE a good used OEM, or) Aftermarket $100
Side cover with spike (maybe) $50
Coil $40
Misc Clamp, pull handle, cover latch etc $20 (probably more...)
good 32" bar/chain $75

That comes to $645 :EEK: :eek:
the complete saw sold for $535

Even if they were THE SAME PRICE you'd be ahead with the running unit, as it's not needing teardown (well, we hope...)

Almost makes me think of taking some expensive parts off a saw and selling it AS-IS for parts, even though it's good :rolleyes: :bang:

Comments welcome
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OH, Rick!!! I forgot to mention something in my last PM, and this reply 'allowed' me to remember!!


wow. what a steal!! how did ya find that one?? what is it?


Sometimes they go cheap when they are local pick up only. I'm 2 hours from there and am planning on picking up friday night.

It was just in the normal chainsaw listing on the bay.
Its not just Ebay but auctions in general can make people spend more then an item is worth. I work at an auto auction and just today 3 used dealers got bidding on a truck and the final bidder payed $6000 over book for it.
I've seen it before on ebay

Makes me wonder about the guys that flip a lot of rebuilt saws on ebay.

Say you get a good carcass for $50 and put $150 into a rebuild. Then you sell it for $300 at auction. I'm seeing $100 profit if you don't count your time. On the flip side there's probably lots of cases where that same parts saw will sell for $150-200 on ebay. $100 -150 profit and no need to get your hands dirty. This has to be the case with a lot of Stihl part saws.

Then again, I just like fixing them. Selling them isn't really my thing...