Do you have dementia?No it doesn't. Just because you said it blows my theory out of the water doesn't make it true. You can not deny that you previously said that you had people over to cut and take away what they could and that you called all the other tree guys in the area who wouldn't touch it before you decided that you were " independent" and that you would buy a chainsaw. So buy the ****ing chainsaw.
I'm sorry if you don't have the mental capacity to keep up with the details and follow the chain of events as I've stated them here. I don't have the time, or the desire to continually rehash the same incident for you because you can't keep up.
Here it is in a nutshell for you, the Reader's Digest , large print version:
Man was called for an estimate. No terms were agreed upon. Man thought that if he did some work on property he would get paid, even though he was never told to do any work. Potential customer called him on his BS and foiled his plan to extort $$ from her. His deceitful plan backfired on him and he hauled off some of the mess he made, leaving her yard in worse shape than it was before he appeared.
Who took what off the tree, more than five years ago, is irrelevant. What work to be done now that was discussed is also irrelevant, since there was no agreement, and no contract for him to do any work. The only thing that is relevant is that he trespassed on the property and caused damage that I will have to fix.
I mean really, how many professional tree-cutters here would just show up at a customers home, when the customer is not home and with no appointment and start cutting away without specific directions of what is to be done and with out first having agreed to a price for said work> Only those who are either crooks, bad businessmen, or stupid.
So, next time you ask a silly question about what happened, I'll refer you back to this post. K?