Tony, So sorry to hear of your situation. My wife and I were seperated ( not legally) 7 years ago. Sometimes seeing each other almost everyday to almost no contact at all other than me picking up our 4yr old daughter. That was the hardest part, being separated from my daughter and seeing the effect it had on her. It's a very hard situation, you feel like your in no man's land. Hang in there or call it quits. Your tired during the day and can't sleep at night. It took us a year before things worked out. Sometimes you just have to back off. As men I think we tend to get to wrapped up in things and stop paying attention to our wives. I learned it is very important to just talk and listen to them. I hope things work out for you.
Tony, sorry to hear of your family problems. I've a few years under my belt (more than I like to remember), and I must say that things have a way of working themselves out. Whatever happens it's usually for the best in the long run.
It's not all bad news. Last Teusday my wife informed me that she was seeing her lawyer to stop the legal separation. Then yesterday, she called to say she wanted to move back home. I didn't believe the two week timeline I was given, and with good reason, it only took 13 days, one day short! Thank you everyone for all the prayers!
All this just reinforces what I have been learning. I gave my all to a company that dumpped me a the drop of a hat, and to do so I sacraficed time with my family, who is sticking with me through thick an thin.
TonyM, sorry to hear about your business problems, and I hope that the reconcilliation works out. Many positive vibes and much mojo being sent your way. Aw ra best! Chris
Good to hear that your family life is going in the right direction.
Sorry to hear about the buisness. Did Dolmar dump you because of your family situation?
I doubt it. The decision to end the dealership was made at the end of the year. I doubt Central Power Systems or Dolmar knew anything about my personal life at that time, if they even do now. Besides, I never planned on closing the business, just refocusing more on local customers, which is what Dolmar and CPS wanted.