To increase the tonnage, you either need to increase pressure or go to a bigger bore cyl. As already suggested, check the pressure and see if it can be adjusted to around 3000psi. If you installed a new CV, it was probably pre-adjusted from the factory and not be at max relief setting. Your 5hp motor is the minimum requirement for the 11gpm 2stage pump, but should be rated for 3000psi. Your prince control valve may only be rated for 2750 maxpsi, but is probably preset at 2250psi. That 500psi difference will give you a lot more tonnage for splitting. Any other modification to increase tonnage or speed would probably cost more than just selling that splitter and buying one that will do what you need it to.. If you dont have a pressure guage and cant borrow one, I would just screw the relief screw in until it kills the engine under load and back it off about a full turn.