This is exactly what small claims court is made for. You would be foolish not to take advantage of this outlet. You simply sue for what is called "rescission". Which simply takes you back to your prior situation BEFORE you bought the splitter. Factor in all of your time, gas, and other costs involved you have in the splitter, plus the price of the splitter, which you can state is of no use to you now since it doesnt work (you tell the judge). Every state has different small claims max limits to sue without going into district court. Here in Minnesota, its $7500, so I'd think most states would be in the same neighborhood. Also, businesses do not like being dragged to court over customer service issues. I wouldnt hesitate to take the merchant to court for a second over the matter. They hold more responsibility on the products they sell than you think they do. Especially warranties where they do service on the product