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My wife has come around to realizing my chainsaw addiction isn't going anywhere yet and it could actually make decent side money so it's a process.
That is great-side money by selling or repairing. I need to sell on ebay--never sold any thing--Have given some coleman stoves and lanterns to friends who asked

That is great-side money by selling or repairing. I need to sell on ebay--never sold any thing--Have given some coleman stoves and lanterns to friends who asked

Yeh trying to get into the buy and sell a bit. I just don't like to let go. I don't want to sell on eBay because there are so many part stealers out there that take the part and claim it didn't come with it and other stuff. Rather sell in CL and be done
Yeh trying to get into the buy and sell a bit. I just don't like to let go. I don't want to sell on eBay because there are so many part stealers out there that take the part and claim it didn't come with it and other stuff. Rather sell in CL and be done
It is hard to let it go--My sister sells on ebay and does pretty good-I am such a scronger and collector of things that are old--its inside me--:drinkingcoffee:
When I saw that first it was $600. It is awesome for sure and one of my favorite saws which I already own way to many of that model and still want more lol. It seems to have the western kit parts or AOW parts like muffler and spike. If it had the full wrap handle to complete it I would bid. If it was the older all red and black or red black and white models nos I would bid. I do need the plastic recoil housing without chrome shroud and plastic air filter cover super day:)
Lol Jedi level self control for cad must be like total nirvana for a budist or however that works. I often drive by massive trees in people's yards and wish it was my yard.

I'm the same way and if I visit someone I compliment their trees if they have big ones. I love old trees
For me self control is just waiting to get home to cut something and not some random persons yard along the way lol. To never run one...that's Jedi level
Haha, I know! I start to have problems if I don't start something after about a week. College going to be really rough for me. No saws! I'm shuddering. Oh well, perhaps it is my time in life to chase after a girl or something. People have told me that's fun, but so far I'm thinking saws are funner. lol