Been away--Back now--Neil Y. playing in the background
I am resisting I tell you. Still not called about $200.00 poulan bow saw--306A--I don't have a 306a yet!! I figure let somebody else get a good one--Like ebay--If I don't bid someone else will get it and I survived with out it right. CAD Got out of control for a while--HOLDING WHAT I got and starting back repairing,cleaning,carb kitting,sharpening etc.............. Trying to keep back healing in right direction and work full time-No wood cutting.Hey I tried to sell you a couple Poulans for cheap
I am resisting I tell you
So I took a new tally of my 10-10's I think I counted 10
If anybody needs a little blue remington weekender to ad to their collection I have one on the bay, still pretty cheap
Nope waiting on the pm10-10 to be put up
Nope waiting on the pm10-10 to be put up
I got 1 10-10--Do they have a spring in the fuel line at carb??So I took a new tally of my 10-10's I think I counted 10
Parts can get $$$--Take it easyMy wife has shut me down for while guys so it's only parts for awhile haha
10-4 Mine seems to colapse(new line)--I found a spring in a large cc mac--none of mine have it