Hey Kensie and Boomer--I have a xl-12 homelite with a bow--Use it one time to cut trees on the ground and you will be hooked on them!! Keep log spurs/dog on wood and it is safe .If you can get it I would. I like all brands---Working on a poulan 361 Right now. Just finished up 330 Homerlite{ what the old man i met while camping called my xl-12.Said he spent many a day dragging it through the Okefinokee swamp logging} . Work-age is hard on us. 33 years as a heavy equipment mechanic--Bulging disc-siatic nerve pain-now for me.. THINK about how you lift--do exercise for back muscles. David Southwest Ga.
So what makes the bow cut better than the guide bar?I think people did not use common sense with them and got hurt. Now can"t buy them new--gone. I am very respectful of them-nobody uses them but me.They can get crazy High.I really like the old gear reduction saws.Those things are bad with 1/2 chain--got a sears--power products--really piles up chips--better hang on at WOTDavid Southwest Ga.
How do you remove the back plate to get at the bearings and the seals?If you have the seals i would change them while you're there
Should be get the flywheel off and the coil bracket off should be right there.
So I just pry it out, because I've tried to just lift it out and it doesn't budge, I checked the IPL and it looks like only those 4 bolts holding it in.That piece should come off if its like a super xl.
Here we call pulp lumber pecker poles.Lol it just means the diameter of the tree, pulp wood is any tree under a Diameter base height of around 12 and under, they ship them off to the mill to chip up and turn into pulp to make paper.
Haha nice, and where is here?Here we call pulp lumber pecker poles.
Yea that's what @Boomer 87 and @astnmacgto have said about Poulans and Bow saws since I am from Shreveport. I'm trying to establish a network to reach out so when people find all those old saws they will come to me. I'm thinking of printing some fliers up and putting them in all of the hardware stores and old country Co-Ops. Maybe some out on the sides of the roads as well.Kensie-You ought to be overrun with old poulans and bowsaws. Beard-poulan was based in that area I believe and Claude Poulan invented the Bow chainsaw bar --C00l history .Look it up. On Arborsite. David
Business cards help tooYea that's what @Boomer 87 and @astnmacgto have said about Poulans and Bow saws since I am from Shreveport. I'm trying to establish a network to reach out so when people find all those old saws they will come to me. I'm thinking of printing some fliers up and putting them in all of the hardware stores and old country Co-Ops. Maybe some out on the sides of the roads as well.