Which means, found them on the back of a log truck someone dumped off in the woods.
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Man all of this hate y'all slinging today lol
I was asked if I wanted to get up on stage and talk about my chainsaws at the Forest Festival and I was like "uhhh no" lol
I get hell for my chainsaw collection... my coworkers don't get it...
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Love me some old J-Reds!Co-worker has old John Reds from his family's logging days. He gets it.
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I get the same, my dad is finally coming around, he is the one that urged me to get business cards lol, but most of my friends think it's "Interesting" lol
Well I finally splurged on a gopro and accessories so definitely no more non-necessary saw stuff for awhile.On the plus side, I will be doing some vids soon of milling and perhaps even some time lapse of other projects if anyone is brave enough to watch. Should be fun, albeit time consuming and annoying to deal with a camera.
See that I understandHe disliked Stihls, he's dad ran Huskys
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Just a refurbished hero 4 silver. Would have liked the deal with the extra battery charger + sd card, but I couldn't justify the wait, or if they would even do it again. Figured if went with a cheapo one I would probably be buying one again knowing me. I was quite surprised, with how long they have been out now, at how long I had wait to get a refurbished one off of their ebay store.What model did you get?