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Just found a supplier here in the UK who can ship me the over-size piston rings, points, and a rebuild-kit for the tiny Amal carb. I'm on good terms with my local motobike shop so getting a little aluminium-welding done should be easy. I've got a nice spark out of this old beastie, but not much compression. there is about 10 thou between the piston and the barrel, so the rings should help out there. The 24 inch bar and chain are original Danarm parts too.

I will get a couple of pictures of the problem-child Pioneer 3071 up a little later... I'm too busy swearing at it right now.... :)
What is going on with the ignition?
I think it's the output coil. I'm reading 0.4 ohms on the primary, and only 1k on the secondary. When disconnect it from the trigger-unit/pickup-coil and I dab some volts from a power-supply on the primary it draws current but no spark. and when I test the trigger unit output with the analogue AVO-meter I get a good spike of juice coming out of it at around TDC so I'm assuming that it's OK. BUT. I have tried putting one of the spare motorbike (2-Stroke) coils in the circuit in place of the tiny Wico part but still don't get a spark. so I'm guessing that the trigger output may be low too. Just enough to show on the AVO but not enough to run the coil.
I think it's the output coil. I'm reading 0.4 ohms on the primary, and only 1k on the secondary. When disconnect it from the trigger-unit/pickup-coil and I dab some volts from a power-supply on the primary it draws current but no spark. and when I test the trigger unit output with the analogue AVO-meter I get a good spike of juice coming out of it at around TDC so I'm assuming that it's OK. BUT. I have tried putting one of the spare motorbike (2-Stroke) coils in the circuit in place of the tiny Wico part but still don't get a spark. so I'm guessing that the trigger output may be low too. Just enough to show on the AVO but not enough to run the coil.
Are you trying to fix the coil? Or do you think it would be easier to replace it?
. Pioneer3071_IgnitionParts.jpg
Replace it if possible. But finding spare-parts for these is a problem, I think that's why they are not that common now.
The coil at the top of the picture is a tiny thing. about 1_1/4 inches across and about 2 inches long. I can't find any here, and if the fault turns out to be the trigger-unit (bottom of the picture) I will have to find one of those too.
I'm seriously thinking about replacing the whole ignition system on this Pioneer 3071 with something easier to get, from a newer saw, and re-make the fittings for it to align it with the Wico flywheel. Maybe a Honda GX35 part or similar.
They were work saws, big inch McCullochs playing McCulloch games.
My 895 was particularly evil at times, it would snatch the pull handle through my fingers, gout black smoke, unburnt fuel and flames from the muffler. 8 degrees BTD was part of the problem, the rest was fixed by killing a black rooster at dawn.
One of the 797s ran so hard I watched for a fine spray of molten alloy in the smoke.
Nice to have the grass cut til you're kneeling down to clean off the mower deck and your knee is in dog poo and ya don't even own a dog, makes for a pleasant evening of poo smell.

Steve Sidwell, Samsung On5 using Tapatalk
I know the feeling, of all the lawns I mow only one has a dog (ours) yet at least once a season I find a pile in every other yard. There was one in particular who the neighbor would never pick up after the lab who ALWAYS went in this yard I mow! Guy was pretty funny when I went to go talk to him about it. He saw me coming and ran inside the house, kids answered the door and said that dad was busy and couldn't come talk to me about this little problem I have.
That being said, even the worst dog poop is still being than some of the messes I have had to clean up in the bathroom at my other job. I won't even get started on all the terribly disgusting things some of these kids think up of. I always have to ask myself where the heck are some of these kids parents! It's a different world we live in, one with much less discipline.
The tv were the parents, we taught our girls to respect other people, right and wrong. They knew what a belt was and just mentioning they would straighten up, they hated to be grounded but they learned. Same goes with the grandkids but tha grandboy can be hard headed at times.

Steve Sidwell, Samsung On5 using Tapatalk
Well got my rear handle/fuel tank all painted up. Now to get my clear coat paint and get that done and then she'll be ready to start going together. All I'll have to do is get some new mounts and change the threads and get those installed and the rest will be down hill, until it's time to start this beast. Hardest thing is to decide on what size bar. Thought of a 32 but $$$$$, so either I'm going with a 24 or 20. May go with a 24, saw came with a 20 but someone put a .325 on it and the clutch sprocket is a 3/8. Even has an old 3/8 hump type safety chain on it that's rusted up with shinny chrome cutters. Don't think it was ran on that saw. 5200 p/c donor was cut out for a bow but someone threw on the wrong size bar. Only had one chain guide and it was the inner one.

Steve Sidwell, Samsung On5 using Tapatalk
Well got my rear handle/fuel tank all painted up. Now to get my clear coat paint and get that done and then she'll be ready to start going together. All I'll have to do is get some new mounts and change the threads and get those installed and the rest will be down hill, until it's time to start this beast. Hardest thing is to decide on what size bar. Thought of a 32 but $$$$$, so either I'm going with a 24 or 20. May go with a 24, saw came with a 20 but someone put a .325 on it and the clutch sprocket is a 3/8. Even has an old 3/8 hump type safety chain on it that's rusted up with shinny chrome cutters. Don't think it was ran on that saw. 5200 p/c donor was cut out for a bow but someone threw on the wrong size bar. Only had one chain guide and it was the inner one.

Steve Sidwell, Samsung On5 using Tapatalk
Whats the bar mount D009 large husky will fit my mine. 455 and 655. D007 was poulan mount
Not sure if the green ones
acers is not listing a mount
I have been thinking about this for awhile and just talked about it on another thread. If I want a pro husqvarna or even any husky I would prefer it to be a red Jonsered. I collect them older ones so the name fits and just like the looks overall. Is it just me or do you think husqvarna would sell more pro saws if they offered them in green poulan colors and yellow mculloch colors?