Walbro Carb

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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 18, 2001
Reaction score
Rolling Prairie, IN
Hi guys, I got a Walbro HDC 17 off of a 015 Stihl. Started to put a rebuild kit in the carb and punched a whole in the original check valve screen. I spent about an hour trying to get that little w###jsgs snap ring out. I finally prevailed but the check valve bushing seat is history. I removed the rest of it and a small piece of diaphram/gasket/something?? My local dealer shows the parts but has no numbers listed to order these pieces. It lists them as an assembley. Anyone have a suggestion?? Besides a new carb?? Thanks The Hoosier!!

Merry x-mas to all my fellow saw nuts!
I'll try to look it up in my catalog tomorrow, I will even price the
whole carb also. They are cheaper if you get them from Walbro.

Used to come as an assembly with the brass ring, snap ring, screen and small diaphragm. Would have to see if Stihl has it anymore.
Fish, any luck finding a replacement carb for an 015? Got a few of them that would run again if I could find em.
Walbro has discontinued that model in the 90s. The distributer
tried scrounging up a parts list but could not. Stihl had a hedge
trimmer with a hdc17a or b with a check valve # 86-523 which is
likely the same check valve.
Walbro pieces/parts

Hi fish, thanks for looking it up. I'll try the trimmer info at my Stihl dealer. doesn't stihl have two or three carb options on each model?? Would another model do the job?? It seems like every carb kit I purchase they ask which carb is it, they list several. Thanks again! The Hoosier
Walbro from hell

Hi Stihltech, If ya run across one of those salvageable carbs let me know. I would sure buy one if ya locate it. This little check valve looks kinda cheap but it must work when in good shape. thanks again. The Hoosier
Unfortunately the guy ahead of me threw out the 015 ipl, so
I cannot look up the carb for the 015. You could probably
obtain another HDC and switch out the throttle and choke shafts
but that is a hard way to get one of those little buggers going.
I have a few carcasses laying around, I will look at them and
look at the carbs.
I found an old piece of microfiche with an 015 parts list. The
Stihl part # is 1116 120 5500. I will check tomorrow to see if
it still is in the Stihl pricelist.

Saw your post and I looked in my shop to see what I had. I have an old HDC 17A from an 015 that was smashed when a tree fell on it. I looked up the Walbro Kit Number for it. K10 HDC The old Stihl # is 8888 000 0085 and the new is 0000 007 1068 with the check valve # 1116 120 5500.

The #s I find for that saw are HDC 17 and HDC 17A/B.

Hope this helps a little.

Ralph ND
Homelite used a hdc on the super ez auto, I have swapped parts from these carbs. I have (and am keeping) a brand new hdc17b I got off e-bay for $20.00. Keep looking parts are out there.