Walker muffler

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ArboristSite Lurker
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
Ducktown, Tennessee
Hi, this is my first post, been reading threads about 2 months. Great forum and info! Cutting greenfields(most pine and pin oak under 12 in. diameter on my 80 ac., using a Husky 350. Nice, light, smooth saw.
Just threw on a muffler from Walkers today- really opened the little saw up! Much better bottom and mid range.
Getting ready to start cutting some 24-36 inch white oak and loblolly/ yellow pine to clear more pasture. Demo'd a 372 when I bought the 350 last year, it may be overkill. Im going to borrow brother-in-laws 036 for a test drive,(no brand alliance).

Any suggestions on little bigger husky?
Hi Saw Doc, welcome to www.arboristsite.com and welcome to the world of modified saws. I can see your really hooked now on saws since you have installed the Walkerized muffler.
If your looking for a real firecracker, try the Husky 357. Im not sure if the muffler off your 350 will fit on the 357 or not.
Anyway, have fun, and safety first!
New or used ?

There are some nice used Husky's on eBay. probably larger than you need but for the price I would consider them.