Keep trying different adjustments... you'll be surprised at how little changes can make a big difference. I have a hook in a beam in the garage, and I'll keep messing with them until it feels right just hanging, then I'll throw a line up in a tree maybe 25' up and try climbing around a little on it. Might need to fiddle with stuff, again. Same thing with the stuff I want on that particular harness... saw lanyard, dittybag, slings... whatever I think I'll want to carry on job sites. I'll try to get everything as close to perfect as I can just messin' around in the backyard. Hate to have to sort this stuff out on site, so it's worth getting comfortable with the new saddle when there's no pressure. You can concentrate better and think about small adjustments that free the boys up from that pinching sensation when you make certain moves. Don't be afraid to try stuff that doesn't immediately seem right, like loosening up the leg straps a lot and seeing how that feels, even if it's the opposite of what worked on a previous saddle. They're all different, every body type is a little different.. takes awhile to get each saddle right for you.
I know that's not much help, but it's all I've got. My Buckingham Deluxe Master harness, I have the leg straps pretty snug... on a New Tribe, I have to have them loose. Tree Austria, in between. I have a couple of big wall rock climbing harnesses that I modified for tree work... those ones I have to snug up the leg straps, then back them off so I can easily slip my fingers between my leg and the straps. I have to readjust those if I'm wearing longjohns and insulated pants in the winter, or chainsaw pants. But, I've got it down to where I can do it quickly because I've figured out exactly how much slop needs to be in the leg straps. Another adjustment that makes quite a bit of difference for me, is the adjustment of the connection between rear of saddle and leg straps. Takes me awhile to get that one right on a new saddle, too. They are all so different, I've had to fiddle with them all when I got them, and what works good on one is always wrong for another one, it seems.
Good luck, it takes some fiddling. To be honest, I sometimes spend a couple days in a row at home with a new harness, trying to get it right before I use it on the job. It's no fun getting up in a tree and finding out the twins ain't happy.