I worked construction for years.. one day I was working on a house I was building and lunchtime came, I hollered for the guys to quit for lunch.. just so happened I was working near a window opening that was about 8 feet from the outside ground height. Well, I grabbed ahold of the header above the window, swung my body out the window and dropped to the ground.
As I did that I felt a strong tug on my left hand, mainly my ring finger. I knew right away what had happened..
Yup, the ring hooked on a nail that was driven only part way into the header above the window.. I hit the ground holding my left hand, fearing the worst because it hurt like hell.. lucky for me my finger was still there and on my hand. The skin was scraped pretty badly, but not peeled off. I looked around the ground as my ring was gone.
I went back into the house bleeding pretty heavily from that finger, to try and find the ring and I found it...
The ring was still hanging on the nail in the header.
To this day, I have had that ring straightened more than once because of having it crushed out of round, but that notch, or dent from that nail is still in the side of it.. will be to the day I die.
If I still worked construction I would never wear it on the job again.