Wedge use

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Sep 30, 2002
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Hi everyone,

What size wedges (6", 8", 10") do you most often use, like the most and why?

I always use the 10" thru 14" wedges.. dont know why, just what I have always used.
5 1/2-8'' mostly, but i prefer to use my felling lever:angel:
Ryan, I have had no luck finding a felling lever locally, where did you get yours? I may make one if all else fails.
i got my felling lever from CCD (commercial cutters direct) 1-800-611-8486. hope posting that does't break any rules:rolleyes: check and see if any members here cary them before you buy one else where:angel: just went to their website myself and didn't see the bar on the site but they do have them in their catolog so give'm a call:)
I've heard nothing but good things about CCD. I just stopped by their site and clicked the 'contact us' link. I hope it wasn't too forward, but I wrote them a short note asking them to check out Arboristsite and consider helping to sponsor the site. Perhaps if a few more of us do the same, we might encourage another quality sponsor to join up here.
(Ryan- usually if I want to pass along the website of a non-sponsor, I'll do it in a PM or email)

Back on topic- I rarely use wedges, I prefer to place a rope (tag line) to help pull over a tree or spar. If I need one, I use whatever is available. Been considering adding one to my toolbox, but it would probably just collect dust.
I use the smaller ones on the smaller trees.....or the medium is a good all around size for me....if your cutting a smaller tree it is easier to hit the bigger wedge with the chain.......I hope this helps
I love using the wedges, but only if it drives the butts or cheeks apart (as I often hear them called) at the time. The main objective seems to be a stump thats high enough to grab so I always leave it high ebough for the tractor to pull out:angel:
I have always used wedges I use a 5" when bucking and a 10" and 12" and even a 15" when felling,wedges are a very good tool to have when your out doing felling jobs etc...I recommened if you don't have any go get some.

Like Ryan said the felling bar is also a excellent tool but I only use then for the smaller tree's,and yes CCD does have those in stock...

Later Rob....
yeah, i love my felling lever but keep it to stuff 14'' and under or you'll drop a sac:eek: