Chris nelson
New Member
I've been cutting Timber for 28 years now. I've been in Alaska, California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona. I've cut for almost all the Heli-Logging companies around Montana, Idaho, Oregon, yada, yada, yada and Yarders up and down the West Coast.
I wanted to share an observation I've recently made about a new area into which I've moved in northern Oregon on the coast. I'd also like to share an observations I've made around 17 years ago when working for a heli outfit close to Tillamook, Oregon. I'll start with the Tillamook experience.
Needless to say me and the Misses landed in Tillamook in September of 97. When we got to the job the Mill fella met us on the landing to go over specs. One point of interest was when the Mill fella requested that we please do not divolge to any of the local cutters how much we were making as there were local cutters on a job right next to us. At that time I remember the Elite cutter group that I tended to associate with had made a pact that we would not work for any less than $400 a day employee and the fact is that's what we got. It was a mentality of....this is dangerous and I'm worth my pay........Something many oldtimers used to proudly carry!
I was offered a full time job from the locals. I asked the pay and was replyed $150 a day. As you can imagine I damned need threw up! After all I had started my cutting career in Montana in 87 and by 1990 the pay was already at $225 a day.
You can imagine my surprise to discover that the proud tradition of the West Coast Cutter in Northern Oregon had no pride at all and the pride of those men showed in how much they thought they were worth. It was a slap in the face and a discrace to the heritage of the proud oldtimers whom emulated Moral fiber and true grit! It actually made me proud to be a Montana cutter at the time because at least Montana Men!!!!! Demanded a cutters wage!
Well for many years I steered clear of the Oregon Coast and often times the Washington Coast as it appeared to me that the degraded mentality had also swept over into Washington.
Well....recently I've found myself having moved to the northern Oregon coast to be closer to family, buy property, and settle into one place to live. I've made my retirement so at this point Money really isn't an issue. I would however like to point out an issue I've discovered soon once again inspecting the Proud Tradition of the Oregon West Coast Cutter.
Apon arriving I made a good many phone calls as I love my life as a cutter and I am truely proud to be a part of the heritage.
It was both sad and sickening for me to learn that many Oregon West Coast Cutters still considers a man to be worth less than a Montana cutter of little skill was worth more than 20 years ago.
My question is.....Really? Is this seriously what you believe you are worth? The Oregon West Coast Cutter......where men of high skill carry chainsaws with long bars falling big timber with 4 fourties.
Montana, where men pack small saws cutting lodgepole that are 60 ft tall.
Which Man would you rather be? If it is true that the defining mark of a real Man is whether they stand or squat to piss.
I'd rather pack a little chainsaw and cut lodgepole.
Yes, do you know where I can sign up to cut on fires for the forest service? I have my numbers and am a sole proprietor