Stacking proper from an 8' high toss pile, and the bottom 2/3 is as wet as from splitting in April, and the bottom one foot or so is wetter than fresh wood, not to mention the fungii.
It was tarped throughout the long heavy rains we had earlier, and uncovered once it was nice out, but overall, I'll be lucky if its usable by march.
So, its going in driest wood on bottom with wetter towards the top, stacked nicely under a tin roofed lean-to, open on 3-1/2 sides, due to a half wall.
Anything I"m finding with bark off, dead, standing has been getting cut/split/stacked out in the open for full sun/wind exposure, and only two rows deep on pallets. Need to have 8cords+ for this winter, and its going to be close, good thing the wood continues to dry after its stacked in the basement.
Was hoping to have many cords to sell off, but we'll see, I'd rather wait a year than sell wood too soon and get complaints.