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First of all I gotta say I don't know how any tree work gets done up there, something I can't fathom though have seen. People have to expect being snowed in up there. Down here people get indignant because they can't drive their rear wheel drive BMW with Perellis. Their expectations are quite different. Once I hear crap I start to take offense. No, we do not always get so much snow and ice BUT we do have storms regularly enough that they should expect the inconvenience. Hell, I have been telling people they are lucky to be alive in a heated area, they think I am joking! They say to me with astonishment, " Can you believe this!?" I am like, " Yes, though you seem to be having a problem with it." Oh these people who need AC, regular meal times and are petrified of mother nature all the sudden have to get the flowers in and the mulch down so they can go inside and look at it.

I kinda used to feel embarrassed about not getting to a job but am learning not to anymore. All of the clients I have had for years are still with me. Anybody that would get rid of me for some problem is bound to have that same problem with the next guy, probably even worse.

Ahh, there's no one else to talk to about this stuff, family just doesn't get it, you are so understanding Doc. Exactly- Just so they can look at their landscape from the inside or as they pull into the garage and close the door sealing off the home capsule so they don't have to breathe that nasty air outside. Wouldn't want to stay outside too long and chance getting bird flu or Lyme disease or sumpin!
The 1k deposit she gave me has been spent. I gave 500 to SSD ( stoner surfer dude) and spent 1/2 a day with three guys hacking and clawing. The client did finally send me an email letting me off the hook. She also told me that SSD and his co-workers were doing a fine job and that she would hold him accountable for what is written on my proposal.

It was then that I told her that those were illegal aliens out there on her lawn, that SSD had been trailering debris from the job and dumping it illegally on private property, got caught and tried to use my name to get out of it. I also told her that by giving me the deposit she accepted the terms of the proposal which states on line 5: All changes shall be in writing and signed by both client and contractor.

I was polite and am not really trying to put the screws in. I told her that it was in her best interest to destroy the evidence, that I was satisfied at this point though regretful of the outcome.

It was pretty funny when I was confronted about this short-dumping SSD was doing. I luckily had a friend who could attest to my innocence and SSD's mode of operation. I just had to leave SSD a message, viciously laughing I ranted infectously, "You silly kid! You can't dump illegally and use my name to try and get out of it. What are you thinking?"

Apparently when SSD tried to dump his load it sounded a bell which got the owner in his truck who chased SSD down the road and made him go to the ATM to get the money to dump. How precious is that?


Rain like a mofo. Gonna try to cut a piece of plexi-glass to fit the rear hatch on the cap for the pick-up. If you hear a loud bang and cursing that means I screwed it up. I really have no idea how I am going to do this.
Sounds like this kid that keeps coming up to my son "We should team up" "I gotz a crane, yall can use it anytime, just call." "If yall ever need help, I will be there as back up" Kid is a total goof. I stood a couple people behind him at the store and he didnt notice me until after he opened his mouth about tree work to the cashier, telling her all kinds of Badaas BS about himself, turned around and seen me, he shrank a little. I lived across the street from him when he was a kid and remember thinking that he is the one that egged my 71 Boss 351. Little Fcker. His dad came over when I was packing up for cali and wanted to "buy" the business. He acted like a big shot and I had a little fuse at the time so I was pretty short with him. Told him that nothing was for sale...... to him. He asked why and I told him I would never sell to a hack, lol......he left. Now the kid has a bunch of pos trucks, lettered up with mailbox stickers. Sports 3 Mohawks on his head. Yes I said 3. Whenever I see him out and about, I try to avoid him, as not to give him any reason to come talk to me. I keep seeing trees around the hood all jacked up. He asked my son one day what we where doing, this was a couple months back. Son told him oak prunes, he replied "Really? I do those in the summer" Now, as I understand it, he is teamed up with the worst of the worst. So epic level F-ups are one the way.

Sounds like this kid that keeps coming up to my son "We should team up" "I gotz a crane, yall can use it anytime, just call." "If yall ever need help, I will be there as back up" Kid is a total goof. I stood a couple people behind him at the store and he didnt notice me until after he opened his mouth about tree work to the cashier, telling her all kinds of Badaas BS about himself, turned around and seen me, he shrank a little. I lived across the street from him when he was a kid and remember thinking that he is the one that egged my 71 Boss 351. Little Fcker. His dad came over when I was packing up for cali and wanted to "buy" the business. He acted like a big shot and I had a little fuse at the time so I was pretty short with him. Told him that nothing was for sale...... to him. He asked why and I told him I would never sell to a hack, lol......he left. Now the kid has a bunch of pos trucks, lettered up with mailbox stickers. Sports 3 Mohawks on his head. Yes I said 3. Whenever I see him out and about, I try to avoid him, as not to give him any reason to come talk to me. I keep seeing trees around the hood all jacked up. He asked my son one day what we where doing, this was a couple months back. Son told him oak prunes, he replied "Really? I do those in the summer" Now, as I understand it, he is teamed up with the worst of the worst. So epic level F-ups are one the way.

No, SSD is nowhere near the caliber of 3 mowhawks and a crane but he does have aspirations. SSD drains the transmission and argues its the motor oil saying, " I do it like this all the time." Well at least we found out what was wrong with his transmission. I was wondering what the hell was happening.

Everybody knows SSD, and as a dumb undependable stoned ass schmuck and the word is spreading quite rapidly. My reputation is that of a hard honest businessman and worker who, contrary to logger's belief, will rabidly go fer yer throat if you mess with me to much. The cops know, the therapists know, other business people know - they say that is what they like about me... well the cops don't like it and since I am paying the therapists I don't really care what they like.

Got the bad speaker working by loosening theses 2 screws a c hair. Apparently if they are too tight they effect the connection somehow.

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Raining like a mother here too. Bid out another 5 days today. Four of that is a bigger job (locally) that would be nice. We'll see. So many desperate, ****** up animals out there with chainsaws lately, that I just try to bid aggressively enough as to where I think I have a shot, but not too cheap. We'll see. So many other guys capable of getting through that job locally.. and starving after a long winter, that I'm not real confident even at my conservative bid. Whatever. Phone ringing nicely, anyway.
Rained like a mother but perfect weather for deep root fert. Going to be a 44 degree swing in temps by the a.m. There is even a evil rumor we might have a touch of snow in some areas.
We got 4" last night and its snowing again.....set the all-time record for snowfall.

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Raining like a mother here too. Bid out another 5 days today. Four of that is a bigger job (locally) that would be nice. We'll see. So many desperate, ****ed up animals out there with chainsaws lately, that I just try to bid aggressively enough as to where I think I have a shot, but not too cheap. We'll see. So many other guys capable of getting through that job locally.. and starving after a long winter, that I'm not real confident even at my conservative bid. Whatever. Phone ringing nicely, anyway.
This year will be better and hopefully all those ******* fools will be rehired front the factory and then we can all get back to doing out own ******* jobs and not someone else's
This year will be better and hopefully all those ****ing fools will be rehired front the factory and then we can all get back to doing out own ****ing jobs and not someone else's

I hear you. Except there's not a lot of pickup and saw guys that I typically bid against. I'm talking fully outfitted/ experienced crackheads here. Lol.
Half of them ******* scumbags are one and done with these people , they won't hire them again we have guys here that have burned pretty much everyone they come in contact with , the saw shop the dumps the poor bastard that sells them tires after a while they dig themselves a hole they can't **** someone out of it !
Well I figured out to cut plexi-glass real good. Ended up using the Dremel with a carbide wheel. The first piece I cut was to small but I quickly figured it out on the next one.
Three easy steps guaranteed to work:

1. Place plexi-glass flat in bed of pick-up
2. Toss in the window frame and all related parts
3. Drive to nearest glass man
Yesterday I saw a bunch of hillbillies mom and kids included doing a 5k job I bid on a 80 ft ash 4'dbh and they had a rental lift that went about 40'. House is a mansion from 1800's. What a sight.
It seems that they are growing in numbers. Most people are only looking at the dollar amount, so they keep going from door to door and getting work. Looked at a big bad aas oak yesterday, they had several turds tell them that it was hazardous and needed to be removed. Trying to scare the old man into a removal. His doc is my client, so the doc passed my info and he called me. Told me who and showed me their proposals. Nothing but babble and BS. He asked what I would do to the tree, I told him nothing and to enjoy it.

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