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Thanks dude.


I'll take houses I should never break into for a thousand Alex!

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Funny thing is that if someone tossed a couple hotdogs in there laced with Benadryl...

I got my dog fighting training from riding my bicycle along country roads and spending countless hours wrestling my own mutt.

******* dog would start getting mad after while but all he could do was lunge and be thrown.
It not opinion 101. Dogs are a GMO of sorts. You have a cockopoodle and you have a pitbull. Which one would be more inclined to rip yer throat out?
Funny thing is that if someone tossed a couple hotdogs in there laced with Benadryl...

I got my dog fighting training from riding my bicycle along country roads.

Benadryl would work, eventually. But why eff with a house full of onry dogs when you can just go to the next house with none. And you can fight any dog one on one, but when you get a pack in a frenzy on your butt you can pretty much kiss it goodbye unless you're carrying a side arm or a large blade and are proficient with them. Then at that point you'd better hope I wasn't home or caught you on video killing my dogs.

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Thanks dude.


I'll take houses I should never break into for a thousand Alex!

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

I still say **** the Pit bulls but that's a bad ass group of dogs there! Old roommate had a Dobie, was a mean mofo. Wifey says only the 1 dog and that's it. Ours is a Rescue Mutt, supposedly a Cattle Dog? Wouldn't hurt a flea but could if need be.
I still say **** the Pit bulls but that's a bad ass group of dogs there! Old roommate had a Dobie, was a mean mofo. Wifey says only the 1 dog and that's it. Ours is a Rescue Mutt, supposedly a Cattle Dog? Wouldn't hurt a flea but could if need be.
Does the cattle dog nip your ankles?

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Benadryl would work, eventually. But why eff with a house full of onry dogs when you can just go to the next house with none. And you can fight any dog one on one, but when you get a pack in a frenzy on your butt you can pretty much kiss it goodbye unless you're carrying a side arm or a large blade and are proficient with them. Then at that point you'd better hope I wasn't home or caught you on video killing my dogs.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

I would never slip a Mickey to a dog that wouldn't stop barking while we were trying to take down a tree. NEVER!

I was just at a house were we thought the dog would come through the window and were wondering why the glass didn't break.

But look at that pack of hooligans you have there. The Dob and Rott have normal eyes with color, the Pit has coal black embers glowing with satanic evil and murderous intent.

Why do they call them Pit bulls?

I have chased off packs of dogs.

A police dog can't be trained to go all the way, think of the repercussions. When you watch video of them in action the person they are attacking is either running away or standing there with his arm out. Once the dog lunges, it is open and very vulnerable.

My points are that dog fighting is fun and even if there are a couple coming at you in someone's yard don't run. Go on the offense, they will scattered. And be prepared for the pit bulls.
My grandfather was a bus driver in the 50's and a hellion. There was a particular bus stop where a guy would park his car in the way every few days and the bus couldn't get to the curb for the riders. Drove my grandfather nuts and the guy knew it. The guy had a big dog in the back of the car, probably for protection of the car and always left the window down for air. Gramps decided the dog was lonely and needing of a nice treat, a nice hotdog laced with exlax.

Guy never parked there again.
I would never slip a Mickey to a dog that wouldn't stop barking while we were trying to take down a tree. NEVER!

I was just at a house were we thought the dog would come through the window and were wondering why the glass didn't break.

But look at that pack of hooligans you have there. The Dob and Rott have normal eyes with color, the Pit has coal black embers glowing with satanic evil and murderous intent.

Why do they call them Pit bulls?

I have chased off packs of dogs.

A police dog can't be trained to go all the way, think of the repercussions. When you watch video of them in action the person they are attacking is either running away or standing there with his arm out. Once the dog lunges, it is open and very vulnerable.

My points are that dog fighting is fun and even if there are a couple coming at you in someone's yard don't run. Go on the offense, they will scattered. And be prepared for the pit bulls.

I was attacked by a female pit half Jack's size last summer. A cpl puncture wounds from her and a body slam on my part. Had to keep a knee on her as I choked her out, she just wouldn't quit. It'd be a bad day to go against jack I reckon.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
My grandfather was a bus driver in the 50's and a hellion. There was a particular bus stop where a guy would park his car in the way every few days and the bus couldn't get to the curb for the riders. Drove my grandfather nuts and the guy knew it. The guy had a big dog in the back of the car, probably for protection of the car and always left the window down for air. Gramps decided the dog was lonely and needing of a nice treat, a nice hotdog laced with exlax.

Guy never parked there again.

Ahh, the old Exlax trick! I never did that either.

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