whadja do today?

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Bored today so I decided to do my lawn over with my new toy. Haven't even taken the stickers off from the guy I bought it from

Jesus! What did it look like before!?
I pulled up to a job, the old lady is out there with an electric chainsaw trimming the boxwoods.

Anyway: Where does one get a lunette for an A-frame trailer? I looked at the obvious places.

And aren't there different sizes? I mean I have a regular lunette ring on my chipper but both my pintles on trucks have balls and I think that makes more slop in the connection than is supposed to be there. Bangs around like a mofo.
Lmao! I was gonna say something, but decided to let it go.

No, no, yer doing yer part jess fine. You are actually one hilarious SOB. Beat me to the punch quite a lot with those dry one liners I can only dream of thinking up.
Yeah i was planing on checking the seals and caulking any open bolt holes. They said they made them water proof but guess we will see.

I always thought to have good ventilation for when you throw a hot saw in there and roll.

Anyway: Glad you found another driver. I really didn't want to go. Ugh! Its been hard on us all.
I'm amazed I can laugh at all. Felt kinda weird Friday night, woke up to take a leak, bad chills. Felt crappy all yesterday, bones and joints killing me. Fever really kicked in later on. Sweating and chills all night. Now me and this ****** cast both reek!! I swear to god, better days gotta be ahead for the MDS!!! Lol
I'm amazed I can laugh at all. Felt kinda weird Friday night, woke up to take a leak, bad chills. Felt crappy all yesterday, bones and joints killing me. Fever really kicked in later on. Sweating and chills all night. Now me and this ****in cast both reek!! I swear to god, better days gotta be ahead for the MDS!!! Lol
Yea I heard menopause can be awful , and with a broken arm ...... Can't even fathom
That a boy, Eddie!! You just keep smiling!!:)

My biggest fear was that it could be lymes. But then there seems to be stomach issues as well, so I'm hoping just some kind of bug. I dunno.
ha I'm not smiling doing this , I should be on the boat floating right now or doing something with my kids ..... It all just a front rummy LOL
It looked like ****. The pictures I posted that you two are commenting are just scraping pictures to get rid of the old lawn. I haven't power raked or rough graded yet you clowns.
I just picked up the 1/2" pt to put down in my boxes. I'm gonna make like 2" strips as shims and screw them under the plywood in the lower boxes that have small drains. Should be pretty sweet.

The Doctor remcomends going behind the supermarket and stealing plastic bread crates as I don't think there is anything better to line tool box bottoms with.
Some clowns came by the house at ten this morning speaking broken English and asking about "Cuttie you grass"... "No, me cuttie you grass". They weren't very hard to run off though. There has been a rash around here lately of jokers showing up wanting to "Me cuttie you tree" or something or other and a couple days later things come up missing.
I like the pics. I just wanted to call it Plowdozer. Lol.

It is a sweet rig!! Question, wasn't your old truck a 14' body? Just curious how this one can be 16' and still only 3' longer with the grapple and all?