Trek antelope. Lmao..
In the new Baileys catalog they now sell the Boxer, 322d at $20,200.00. It can make your problems go away. Well at least some of them.
You use a non locking latch hook to lift personnel with and you will be in violation of OSHA regs.
But what do you care?
Them there Shur-Loc hooks are too safe n funky for real men, huh?
On YouTube with a whopping 67 views!
I'm gonna be famous!
Nah Dr. Pro,
It gets real interesting when you strap a remotely controlled powered rope spool to the base of the tree like a Hobbs device, run the rope up the tree to a pulley, then back to the ground where I attach to it like a true spider. Push my remote control toggle one way, I go up, the other way, I go down. No trailing ropes below me. My ability to redirect limited only by the number of pullies I carry.
Push button laziness, for old orthopedically challenged climbers!
All this back and forth sounds like the chainsaw guys arguing over what's the best 2 stroke oil to use
I use Lucas semi-synthetic 32:1If you run Stihl then you use Stihl oil, if you run Husky you use Husky oil, if you run both it doesn't matter as long as its one or the other. What's to argue about?
I've been off the ground a couple of times.
He has tender knees so he has to keep them protected.dan...
good pics... nice work.. whats up with those knee pads?... never seen anyone use them...
good pics... nice work.. whats up with those knee pads?... never seen anyone use them...