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Just got a text message from my main worker that he broke his back and some toes. wtf. I feel for this guy big time. The feds are screwing with his money and he keeps getting crapped on.
What happened to him ? I got a call like that 2 years ago from one of my guys Father, he told me the boy was in a car crash and was in the hospital, Broke his neck. He spent a month in the hospital and walked out in a neck brace and was quickly arrested for DUI and Manslaughter. Turns out the girl that was ridding with him died at the crash site. He is in jail now.
had a good day... walked out to the truck this morning and it had a flat.. got to the job and set up... then the sprinklers came on... moved everything again... got hit square in the face with a squishy lemon... at the end of the day my helper busted a lens cap loading the ladder... it was awesome!
Gave a estimate for a neighbor of a customer we were taking a small tree down for today. Went over and it was a holly with 2 small phone line and the service drop to the house running pretty much through it. Gave the lady the price and she looked at me in a very serious way and said Christmas is all most here ! I said i know and i am trying to have a Good one. No tree job there
Landed a street clearance bid in a small town 15 miles away they wanted a 16 foot clearance at the curb line where possible. It's a town of about 250-300. The last tree maintenance was about six or seven years ago when they had volunteers with a front end loader and a pole saw (trim) the town. You can imagine the cuts and stubs left. Imagine an 8 inch branch parallel with the ground... Just cut it off at the curb line and leave the four foot stub.. That's fine! I saw one spot where a ten inch branch was removed it must have been full length they didn't see the need for an undercut, just start on the top nice and slow and let that baby split and peel off, but don't bother to cut that 16" spear a left over sticking out. It really looked like the tree was having a good time trying to heal around that big piece sticking out! It was bid at an hourly rate so I was told by the city maintenance guy that it's going
to take what it's going to take two days or a whole week if needed. I just had a feeling that being public work that someone was going to go off on me. Well it happened today when an old bastard started chewing my groundies ass about the pile of sticks we dumped in the wrong spot and how we have been there way too long already and he's paying for it! FML! No sorry eff that stupid inbred little town! Most houses have peeling paint and weathered shingles but a Cadillac or an Audi in the driveway. Oh yeah not too many full mouths of teeth either maybe that's due to the meth house on the north side of town.
Wind ! Took a branch outta my hand but I couldnt let go . Tweaked my wrist like it's broken .... And that's why i make it a habit to not force work

I twisted my wrist back in September; it's still sore and rather limited as to what I can do.

Hope yours turns out better.
image.jpg Top of the morning to you gents. Been busy around these parts. Busiest I have been in 4 years, which is good but all my shat has been breaking down on me. Blew the perkins in my bc935. That was $6,700. Front driveline on the dodge came out of the transfer case doing 70 down the freeway. Took out brake lines, tranny lines, wire loom, transfer case, and dented the floor board so bad I had to peel back the carpet and beat it back down. It's all good though. Figure it's part of the game I decided to play.

On a positive note the dogs are enjoying the fire this morning. image.jpg
My little emergency job from Friday job was bid at 2hrs for just the failed lead wtf! Took like 5 mins... I ended up doing the whole tree cause it was kinda sketchy at the base in and out 1 hr and that included bs'in for probably 20 mins with the ho

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