whadja do today?

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Lol.....the worst that can happen...
Couple of weeks ago I did some contract climbing for a company that provided the (zero treework experience) helpers.
Technical trees.
And it started off ok. Untill the guy letting a limb down with the Hobbs panicked. Lets go of the rope and ran for his life. Limb promptly smashes the deck railing.
I was completely in awe.
The guy in charge of his brigade of fools says to him"John, you let go of the rope"
John replies: "It slipped"
Went and bid a large Maple today with a cracked trunk. The customer is really scared of the tree and can't find anyone who will touch it. So, expecting the worst....I got there and thought "What is the matter with these other guys? They should be able to do this!" It's big, a little complicated and a little nasty but it's pretty straight forward. Just take it down. I have enough to do and don't really want to do it but he was told by other guys that he should hire us. I high-balled it...hoping to bid out and even told him the price was high and he should be able to find someone for cheaper. No dice. Crap! I guess I'll do it.
Lol.....the worst that can happen...
Couple of weeks ago I did some contract climbing for a company that provided the (zero treework experience) helpers.
Technical trees.
And it started off ok. Untill the guy letting a limb down with the Hobbs panicked. Lets go of the rope and ran for his life. Limb promptly smashes the deck railing.
I was completely in awe.
The guy in charge of his brigade of fools says to him"John, you let go of the rope"
John replies: "It slipped"

Lol. I had a sped do the same thing last year with the grcs. "It just started slipping". Retard almost clobbered himself with a couple 40- 45' white pine tops. Turned nutty too. You should've seen me though,, broken arm in cast, winching and trimming tops at the chipper with a 372,, shorts and boating shoes on.. a little buzzed up on vicodan. Good stuff.:laugh:
I heard bar soap will fix a leaking steel tank and I think you might get away with gluing a plastic saw tank but you would have to clean and scuff it just right BUT I have never tried either and most likely never will.

This old coot I had done some hack and slash for cash for previously called me with a couple broken rotten half dead silvers looming over his springhouse. We agreed he should pay my deductible if that should be the case but I guess I will huck some plywood up there in hopes of convincing him ( and myself) I still give a ****.

Man, you should have seen this cat in action, I mean he was holding up his Wild Thing like a sword above his head and yanking and yanking and yanking on the pull start... I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

This time I told him to let us get the stuff on the ground before he comes in with his wrecking crew, he laughed.
Lol.....the worst that can happen...
Couple of weeks ago I did some contract climbing for a company that provided the (zero treework experience) helpers.
Technical trees.
And it started off ok. Untill the guy letting a limb down with the Hobbs panicked. Lets go of the rope and ran for his life. Limb promptly smashes the deck railing.
I was completely in awe.
The guy in charge of his brigade of fools says to him"John, you let go of the rope"
John replies: "It slipped"

Yeah, I had to give that up but it was interesting while it lasted.


Now just have to get everything out of the back yard and up the hill!
Spent the morning cleaning off my desk and watching Sons of Anarchy, I built a fire with all the tax documents and was actually thinking Peg Bundy was kinda hot but it passed so I split some wood until the mailman came and was depressed that nobody sent me any money, especially the chubby chick up there who had the scrapers cleaning up her homosexual ex-husband's place all day.

Around 2 I took what checks I had to the bank where yet another homosexual was completely obsequious making me more and more paranoid about the way life is conducted and I wondered just how many times he said the same thing over and over again with such exuberance to so many people every ******* day.

From there I went to Shep's and sat on his golf cart drinking his beers and watching him load about a million yards of black dyed til he finally pulled himself out of his Bobcat and came and sat next next to me so I sung him a song, it went like this:" You think yer all about the pussy but I see you checking out my lily white tushy" then stomped the pedal to the floor and tried to jump over the pea gravel which was a no go considering it was just and old golf cart.

His wife came out complaining about people and her sciatic nerve then started bending and stretching for awhile so having enough of that I came back home, put the teeth on the bucket and indiscriminately tore out a redbud that I had plopped over the gas line a few years ago. I stuck it in a pile of chips hoping it would die because although they are cute little trees they proliferate like rabbits and usually next to the foundation.

I was jerking off up there for awhile pissing around in the garden til my wife came home and put on some pink see through yoga pants and started raking leaves, I was pretty drunk by then but managed about 4 minutes with her then fell asleep.

I woke up feeling pretty ******* groggy so I sucked down a few more cans and reseeded the lawn that I had torn up in my drunken antics and took down the back catch because my neighbor told me he found arrows and bullet holes in his camper.

What did you do today?
Spent the morning cleaning off my desk and watching Sons of Anarchy, I built a fire with all the tax documents and was actually thinking Peg Bundy was kinda hot but it passed so I split some wood until the mailman came and was depressed that nobody sent me any money, especially the chubby chick up there who had the scrapers cleaning up her homosexual ex-husband's place all day.

Around 2 I took what checks I had to the bank where yet another homosexual was completely obsequious making me more and more paranoid about the way life is conducted and I wondered just how many times he said the same thing over and over again with such exuberance to so many people every ****ing day.

From there I went to Shep's and sat on his golf cart drinking his beers and watching him load about a million yards of black dyed til he finally pulled himself out of his Bobcat and came and sat next next to me so I sung him a song, it went like this:" You think yer all about the ***** but I see you checking out my lily white tushy" then stomped the pedal to the floor and tried to jump over the pea gravel which was a no go considering it was just and old golf cart.

His wife came out complaining about people and her sciatic nerve then started bending and stretching for awhile so having enough of that I came back home, put the teeth on the bucket and indiscriminately tore out a redbud that I had plopped over the gas line a few years ago. I stuck it in a pile of chips hoping it would die because although they are cute little trees they proliferate like rabbits and usually next to the foundation.

I was jerking off up there for awhile pissing around in the garden til my wife came home and put on some pink see through yoga pants and started raking leaves, I was pretty drunk by then but managed about 4 minutes with her then fell asleep.

I woke up feeling pretty ****ing groggy so I sucked down a few more cans and reseeded the lawn that I had torn up in my drunken antics and took down the back catch because my neighbor told me he found arrows and bullet holes in his camper.

What did you do today?
Pics or it didn't happen ;)
More light duty backyard takedowns for the MDS today. Reminds me of old times going out with just the idiots and truck and chipper. I am actually starting to feel alive a little bit again.

Gonna set the boys up with the MDS mini today. Lol,, its called a big ass wheelbarrow. And, man is the white pine sap flowing this time of year!!
stihl HT power pruna pole saw standing on the roof of chip truck then the next job was off the roof of a house buzzing lanky thin gum limbs that no lift nor climber could get each step turn and move very careful and if the saw was to ever grab,, rule one let it go over board with out me