The fungus is among us... that's an interesting one. Almost pretty.
That is ****ing nuts! The guy did strike me as advantageous among other things. He really made a name for himself in his first few years.
Cut firewood, did a dump run (frigging 3300lbs of crap from the rental house that the shitbag tenants left), loaded some sawdust for a couple customers and lumber, forget what else. One of those days that seems like I worked hard all day but didn't really get a ton done.
Climbed this rotten mess the other day. Some jerk sold the homeowner on a few cables a couple years ago. It should have been removed a decade ago.
It should have been removed a decade ago.
So anyone catch the first episode of Deadliest Job Interview on Discovery. One of our old friends make a guest appearance. Good old Doug at his best View attachment 482727
I helped out a friend yesterday. He asked me if l would grind a stump for him. Might take an hour he says. I take his truck and stump grinder to the job. It's a big pepper tree stump. The tree had up rooted landing on the neighbors new truck. When I drive up there's 6 foot of trunk left. The root ball went back into the ground but not all the way. I ground on that ***** for four hours.. It's almost done had to stop cuz it was getting dark. It had roots coming off it 2 feet thick.
Now it's personal, I'll knock it out this morning. My buddy's teasing me,"what's taking you so long".