whadja do today?

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Woke up around five thirty, which would be two days in a row now and I just can't understand how a person can do that everyday.

Yesterday it was because I was supposed to chop down this dead oak tree. I had called the lady the night before, left a message to tell her we was a'comin and when we get there she was all baggy eyed and irritable asking if we could wait til September. I asked if she had gotten my message, she said she changed her number, I had to take a dump real bad so we left and I went a'mowing. I tried to give Bob Andrews a couple bucks for coming down to help me but he said he was used to taking it in the ass. I gotta say I love this guy and always had a good time working with him. I would have at least took him for breakfast but I really had to take a dump. Anything else I can't remember or just plain won't.

Woke up this morning, saw Jeff said something about an earthquake so I asked if it was a beautiful day then went to the landscape supply yard to drive around and deliver the mulches. Both of the sweltering chicks were dressed in the same yoga pants and shirts, I told them they need to dress differently soes I could tell whose T and A I was gawking at and starting driving. Real slow too cause what's my hurry? Must of pissed off half of the world but I was smiling cause it was a beautiful day.

I was only supposed to drive til around noon but the other driver dumped 10 yards of mulch at the wrong house so me and the owner of the supply yard took a Bobcat and couple trucks over there and took it back. The one lady who runs the phones at the yard was pressing me for information for which to nail the other driver and I was like," I ain't gonna tell you nothing except I had to turn up yer refrigerator cause these beers ain't cold enough." Hell one day one of the girls had me driving around for hours looking for Thillet lane, I finally called them to ask if by chance it was actually Phillips Ln. It was.

I got screwed up by these barefoot pregnant women who had no idea who ordered the mulch. The one said to go to her cousin's around the bend so I went and the cousin came out with banana ******* barely covered by her flower print moo moo telling me that her whole family was crazy and to just dump it on the grass and run. So I did.

It was a beautiful day, I kept saying that to myself and everybody all day as I drove around delivering the mulches.

Now old NC is trying to figure out how to put the clutch back in his Bandit. Poor bastard, I think he has an adjustable wrench and a penchant for buggery. Last time I saw him he had all his lug nuts on backwards. Oh well, we have all been there I am pretty sure, I know I have and I am just glad that this time it wasn't me.
Do earthquakes knock over trees?

What's a banana tittie?

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Oof! He asks, "What is a banana *****."

Boy ain't you never seent a National Geographic!?

But I do hafta say they was more like eggplants than bannanas.
IMG_20160613_102901558_HDR-600x800.jpg Red maple today....one ground guy cuts through a perfectly nice tagline. Some sadness and mourning, but it happens. But.... my blood pressure went zone 12 nuclear after asking the other guy to take one wrap off the Hobbs, (under tension lowering a large limb) and the dim bulb lets all three slip off. There were words...IMG_20160613_125803484_HDR-600x800.jpg IMG_20160613_093411586-600x800.jpg
Splittin wood
Sucks big dik
Especially when
The rounds are thick
But even so
I put on my pants
And got bit up
By the ******* ants
..... I was thinking more along the lines of YA mule get moving !!!!! As I was watching the help split big rounds ...... in the spirit of me not handling those big bastards I bucked up the nasty ass 4ft dia silver maple log I've been avoiding he kept grinning every time he heaved a big round up on the splitter so I figured I only had to quarter the nasty maple so long as he was getting off on getting a hernia.