whadja do today?

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Just saying, I have had beautiful days since the last time I said this,,,
I also had a suprise for me when I got to the office,
The owner came down and left me some saws ,,whoo!
You know I am gonna post the pic,,,
It was a beautiful day,

If any of those are 261's let me know how they do. I'm tearing my hair out over mine.
Finally figured out why they have me using my mower up at the horse farm as I broke a blade which about hit my shin. What a bunch of ******* up there. All afraid to break their lawnmowers. Not me. I ain't afraid to break anything, in fact, I will.

Happened upon a 75 dollar .22 semi-auto at the Walmart the other day. Been waiting for that for 20 years. Got my range all set up including a pilfered bale of hay for the bow. Don't have to much in the way of semi-auto but it got me thinking, " Why are we paying taxes?"

Ever since I tried to get a dumpster in that farm they have been looking at the county owned access bridge. They dropped the weight limit to 7 tons from 10 which still does accommodate my trucks, and they cored it and have white paint all over it. The only other way in is through some bitter lady's property so I ask myself, " how much decrepit pussy will I eat"? In all honesty I am kinda looking forward to the chance. Is it me?

I used a friend's saddle the other day to set a rope in a conifer, he had a Lockjack on his lanyard. I don't think I would use one myself but I had no qualms about repelling down the stiff half inch 3 strand that I tied to my winch hook.

I have a canoe at my friend's house up from the horse farm and I think if it rains hard enough this weekend I might drive it down from his house to the horse farm where I am about sick and tired of all these horse farm chicks who think they are tough girls.

I was cutting the grass up there the other day when one came out in her underwear and said she was going to a concert. She had a cooler so I asked her for a beer, she went back into her house and brought me a warm beer so **** them. Really, that was a test and they ******* failed. Good luck finding anybody else to clean up that ******* farm. Bunch of ******* slumlords is what they are. I never liked horse farmers. Scum, each and every one and I can prove it. The horses themselves are allright. I pulled a dead cherry off the fence the other day and got stung and started bitching and crying. The horses came over to see if I was OK but no one else.

Lots of dead oak trees right now.
Got my climb right pads for my spikes yesterday. So nice to climb pain free. I did two tall sugar pines next to a house. They thought it would take all day. Was able to piece one down, even with the bark falling off and some big cracks in it. Put some straps around it so it wouldn't fall a part on me while taking the top. The other dead pine over hung the house. I confused everybody when I srt'd up. I put in a tipping line and took a big top branches and all, then a big section, branches and all, then pulled over the stick with all the branches. Took 45 min. They had planed on limbing the whole thing first. Its funny how some people get stuck on doing things one way.
Got my climb right pads for my spikes yesterday. So nice to climb pain free. I did two tall sugar pines next to a house. They thought it would take all day. Was able to piece one down, even with the bark falling off and some big cracks in it. Put some straps around it so it wouldn't fall a part on me while taking the top. The other dead pine over hung the house. I confused everybody when I srt'd up. I put in a tipping line and took a big top branches and all, then a big section, branches and all, then pulled over the stick with all the branches. Took 45 min. They had planed on limbing the whole thing first. Its funny how some people get stuck on doing things one way.
I had a job like this at the beggining of the summer owner thought it would take all day it was a 60 footish maple 2 branches went over the house just cut those off n came down and dropped it the home owners face was priceless he thought forsure his house was a gonner. Landed me a 100 dollar tip on that job he was fairly impressed

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We have a 2014 ram 5500, gvw is 19,500, with a 26,000 combination. awesome running truck, plenty of power pulling a bandit 1590.
About to go take down a little spruce for a buddies uncle will post pics shortly

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We have a 2014 ram 5500, gvw is 19,500, with a 26,000 combination. awesome running truck, plenty of power pulling a bandit 1590.

Seems like a pretty nice truck so far (had better!!$$). What's this 26,000 combination about, exactly? I hate to bring all this up, but I never really understood that whole combined weight deal.

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