Saturday, it has been a rough week. We demolished an entire city block in 6 days in Escondido, before,!7i13312!8i6656

I was thinking today, as any other day, as I stacked cord after cord , about when I used to be an " employee".
What a suck ass thing to be and everybody knows it.
I would get a " tree climbing" job for some company headed by the name on the truck, he would tell me not to tell his other " employees" what he was paying me because that would bread jealously and discontent.
Sometimes I would come right out and tell the guy that he couldn't tell me not to that because, well, he can't.
" What did I just say and mean?", you might ask.
I leave it up to you ponder.
I'll give a clue: MEATHOOKS
It was Saturday night. You should have been getting some nice nice instead of posting this.
Dans gotta start swiping right. Start making some sense.
sorted a trespassing sweet gum root tungsten Stihl RD carbide save the day again
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I can't believe you did that!
I'm serious!
Saturday, it has been a rough week. We demolished an entire city block in 6 days in Escondido, before,,-117.082139,3a,75y,93.01h,113.43t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sBWMs1gKg7JtaPGyGngsXxQ!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656
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View attachment 593063 View attachment 593063 View attachment 593064 View attachment 593065 View attachment 593066 View attachment 593067 Does the good doctor ever post any of his work done that day?
Or is it a more parasitic situation?
surprise i do this a lot and yes i know it causes some concerns with some Arborist but im aware of the implications and measure & balance them against failure & health stress likelihood. And often i will say no uh ah not touching that root as a critical structure so owner needs to seek other remedy.
Too busy tryin tu get a grip!
On dyneema 1.8mm cord, without melting it!
Ceramic friction points are my only hope now.
8 points of friction on a six inch tube, highly leveraged.
The heat's fuggin killin me doc!
Post some pics yu friggin bum!
Of all the tree species that are able to withstand substantial aggressive root pruning, LA styraciflua's at the top of the short list!
You ain't nowhere near as experienced and savvy as you make yourself out to be doc.
Nice work Derwoodie!